How can i setup a W...
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[Solved] How can i setup a WiFi connection?

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I want to use a wifi instead of a wired connection. How can i configure WiFi?

16 Answers
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Create a file in the /boot folder of your SD-Card. You can use a card reader or a wired connection to your pi to do that. 

The file must be called wpa_supplicant.conf  and contain the following lines: 

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid="<replace with your network ssid>"
psk="<replace with your password here>"

Maybe change the country code to your country. e.g. EN for England.
Now reboot or boot your Raspberry Pi. It should connect to your WiFi network and you are done.


avlisn1 avlisn1 03/06/2022 8:57 pm

@mario Can this be used with a raspberry pi 2 b with a wifi dongle?


last release - Lan-network  via ssh --> login -- sudo raspi-config --> Nr. 2

IMG 5495

Hello guys, I need help.
I followed every script for the installation of the sketch, but I do not succeed when I type the IP address of the raspberry in my browser (Firefox). The IP address is correct because I access via VNCviewer and Putty. What I did was follow this script:
I installed FabScan PI Raspbian Image: 2019-02-21-FabScanPi-Lite

I created in boot/folder the file wpa_supplicant. conf

Ctrl_interface = DIR =/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP = Netdev
Update_config = 1
Country = BR
Network = {
SSID = "Angelo 2.4 "
PSK = "Nicolau22 "
But the browser cannot access the IP address. Time out

Any suggestions?


mario mario Topic starter 04/06/2019 9:35 pm


yes. Are you able to connect to your FabScan when it is connected by wire? Anyway, start your FabScan and go to  . If it will find a FabScan in your local network you will be automatically redirected to the device. If there are more than one FabScan in the network, you will end up with a list of ip addresses. 

- Mario 


OK Mario. I will check tonight when I get home. I'm eager to make the fabscan work.
And thank you

aego aego 06/06/2019 10:29 pm

Hi Mario, it took me because I had to buy a network cable
Could not connect via cable directly to the router. The same errors that occur on the WiFi,  appear.
Via Link>
0 devices found
And through the link http://find.fabscan.or g" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
No devices found in your network.

But Rasp is in the network and I access via VNC and via Putty.
This is driving me crazy.
Any more help?
Thank you and thank you


Sorry here the correct msg

Hi Mario, it took me because I had to buy a network cable
Could not connect via cable directly to the router. The same errors that occur on the WiFi,  appear.
Via Link>
0 devices found
No devices found in your network.

But Rasp is in the network and I access via VNC and via Putty.
This is driving me crazy.
Any more help?
Thank you and thank you


Ah, I also tried through the Cromium the http://localhost:8080 and Time out and I couldn't access it.


Rasp IP

Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.17134.765]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.


Disparando com 32 bytes de dados:
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=49ms TTL=64
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=5ms TTL=64
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=6ms TTL=64
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=8ms TTL=64

Estatísticas do Ping para
Pacotes: Enviados = 4, Recebidos = 4, Perdidos = 0 (0% de
Aproximar um número redondo de vezes em milissegundos:
Mínimo = 5ms, Máximo = 49ms, Média = 17ms


This post was modified 6 years ago by aego
Topic starter

Which version of FabScanPi Server do you have installed? 0.70 or earlier?




one more thing, I am using RPI -Fabscan-HAT from Wattererot


Hello Mario, I need your help.

What am I missing to make?

What did I do wrong?

Thank You


After 6 days...

Well, I have to give up. No support I'm not going to make any progress. It makes me sad because I bet much on Fabscan.

mario mario Topic starter 16/06/2019 8:57 pm

Sorry, I am not able to reproduce the error. How are you able to use VNCviewer? Have you installed the package on the raspberry? Have you tried to connect on port 80, which is the default port when you connect to the IP address without giving a port in the url.

The fabscanpi lite images used haproxy to route all the incoming traffic on port 80 (http)  and 443 (https) to the server port 8080. 

If you are able to ping the fabscanpi on your given address, then it should be possible to connect to the interface by 



https://<address_of_your_fabscan> ( you need to confirm that the certificate is self signed)

(No need to add a specific port)

As an alternative way you can connect via: 


This works on apple computers out of the box. On Windows you will need to install a zero conf driver  like apples Bonjour printer driver . This driver is also delivered with iTunes. 


If you are getting a timeout the proxy server must be down. Otherwise you will see the interface. If the fabscanpi server is not running, the proxy will show you a kind of diagnostic page with hints, what you can do.


Thank you.


Just got the new image (2020-06-29). But I couldn't get wifi up and running.

Every time I reboot, the /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf file has idea what happened.

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