I would like to debug the Arduino firmware, so I added another Serial UART using software, and uploaded the Arduino code to the Uno from this repo this repo https://github.com/mariolukas/FabScanPi-Firmware.git.
The Pi Server, when it starts, auto updates the Arduino Firmware and overwrites my updated Arduino code - I cna see it in the log
"DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Latest available firmware version is: v.20200624
DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Trying to connect Arduino on port: /dev/ttyUSB0
DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Installed firmware version:
INFO - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Old or no firmare detected trying to flash current firmware...
So I turned off auto update using the /etc/default.config.json, changing "autoflash": "True" to "autoflash": "False". Now when the server starts my Arduino Firmware stays on the Uno.
But now with my firmware the Pi server wont start - according to the log I get an error
DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Serial read timeout occured, skipping current and waiting for next command.
DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Serial read timeout occured, skipping current and waiting for next command.
DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial: Send/Receive Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decode'
I am using the Arduino FW from this repo https://github.com/mariolukas/FabScanPi-Firmware.git using the master branch, and the version.h shows the latest BUILD_VERSION of v.20200624 - which I presume is the latest.
How do I get the Pi server to boot using my manually built Arduino code from the https://github.com/mariolukas/FabScanPi-Firmware.git repo ?
Or how do I get the Arduino FW code for the latest version - even my manual build FW and the hex file uploaded by the server both look like they are the same version ?