The last two weeks have I working on to create/install FabScanPi...now I have got something.
In the “read me” text it say that “The build will be placed in the folder deploy
folder do not exist and before I got the missing program installed
there was a message in the terminal that say ”no folder found”.
That message disappeared after that the missing program was
I find is in folder “pi-gen”/ “work” /
image did I flash to a sd card and are able to start raspberry pi
with fabscan hat installed.
is this correct?
I have understand correct so is it “FabScanPi-Server” that is the
interface, were you start the scanning process.
But there is where I get stopped, I can't figure out how to install/get this “FabScanPi-Server” up
and running.
I should really appreciate if someone can hint/guide me how to get
fabscan-server up and running and if the FabScanPi result I describe
is the expected result.
BR Lars