Last seen: May 20, 2021
Hi, can I download and build the develop branch image by following these instructions ? Or do I also need to build Backend and Firmaware ? I have ...
Hi, can I download and build the develop branch image by following these instructions ? Are you using 2 lasers ? I'm having some trouble focusing ...
@mario Danke schön !
Nennt man sowas "Flanschkupplung" ? Welle ist 5mm, Lochabstand 9mm, für jeden Tipp dankbar.
Hi, i just wanted to report back. I ended up buying a second fabscan Hat and I couldn't get it to work either. So I called watterott, mailed my pic...
Hmm... Option B: Connect 12V DC to the HAT (round connector) and 5V DC to the raspberry (micro USB connector). NOTE: Make sure you switch on t...
Okay, I replaced those 4.65kΩ Resistors with the 2.163 kΩ, tried to flash the bootloader again, same result. I guess I'm giving up for now, I think I ...
My 2.2k Ohm resisitors measured 2.16k Ohm, so i used 4.65k Ohm, I wasn't sure whether everything between 2.2k and 5.6k is fine.
3rd Attempt: pi@fabscanpi:~ $ cd RPi-UNO-HAT/software/ pi@fabscanpi:~/RPi-UNO-HAT/software $ sudo avrdude -c pi_isp -p m328p -e -U flash:w:bloader....
2nd Attempt: pi@fabscanpi:~ $ cd RPi-UNO-HAT/software/ pi@fabscanpi:~/RPi-UNO-HAT/software $ sudo avrdude -c pi_isp -p m328p -e -U flash:w:bloader....
Next I tried to flash the bootloader (bloader.hex) 1st Attempt: pi@fabscanpi:~/RPi-UNO-HAT/software $ sudo avrdude -c pi_isp -p m328p -e -U flash:...
A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 403) ...