WS2812B ring proble...
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WS2812B ring problem

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I need help !!
I am modifying a ciclop to implement the excellent solution offered by FabScan.
To date, the solution is almost functional: the camera is OK, the control of the 2 lasers is OK, the motor control is OK.
However, the WS2812B ring light cannot be operated.
My ciclop is equipped with a HE3D card, on which I did find a connector with the GND, VCC, MI and MO plugs.

I connected MO from the board to MI from the ring.
Someone would have any idea ?
Thanks in advance.

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Personne pour m'aider 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 

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Sorry for the late response, can you post some pictures of your board please? There are several versions/clones of the HE3D. Some pinouts are different.

Have you already tried it like described in the docs:

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It seems impossible to put pictures on the forum ( No more attachments are allowed today ??).

Also, here is the model of my card (found on a merchant site) :

I tried to connect the WS2812B to MO of the 6 pin connector present on the board, but there is no signal.

This is the only connector visibly available, but perhaps not properly addressed in firmware.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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I've more informations :) . The board use  a Mega388p in a TQFP32 package. The 6 pins connector is the ICSP connector, and the MO pin is connected on PB4 / PCINT4 / MSIO.

So, to connect the WS2812, I suppose you have to direct the signal to PB4, but also disable debug mode (disableDebugPorts())?
And maybe also something else? I found this info on other forums but I have no idea how to do it.


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Is there a solution ? 


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I am attaching a picture of the controller board I think you are attempting to use. My guess is that there is no connection to control the WS2812 LED. My guess is the 6 pin connector is an ISCP port which amoung other uses can be used to reload the bootloader.

You of course need a control connnection to turn the led on and off and a +5 volt and a ground connection. The pin of the Mega 328 to do this is the one designated as A0 and probably not used on the board and very difficult if not possible to attach a wire to it. If you can the problem is solved. It can be around a minute before the led will flash on for approximately 10 seconds and then turn off. If this all happens you can proceed as normal. If the bootloader should be reloaded use the following if you have access to an Arduino UNO.

The procedure for doing this to use the fabscanpi controller is on the fabscanpi forum and you will have to determine the connections to the HE 3D controller using the isolation resistors between the Pi and the HE 3D board. +5 volts and ground connections also are needed.

Next alternative:
Use the FabscanPi hat which provides all the control functions needed.
You would need to use the suggested default.config.json file for the Ciclops except as follows:

"type": "fabscanpi",
"baudrate": 115200",
"autoflash": "True",
"port": "/dev/ttyAMA0",
"flash_baudrate": 115200

This will load the correct firmware for the FabscanPi hat. The flash baudrate might require adjustment and if so follow the forum suggestions.

Out of boredom and looking for an interesting thing to do I have done this and it works.

Screenshot (564)
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First of all, thank you very much for your precious help.

it will be very difficult to solder a wire to the pin of the circuit.

I just ordered a ZUM scan card to put on an arduino UNO that I have in stock. I would then be in the configuration of the site, with the correct connectors.

I shouldn't have any particular manipulation or will I have to load the bootloader on the UNO ?


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@pigmlion613 You would probably not have to load the bootloader but if you do it can be loaded from another Arduino UNO thru the ISCP ports with jumpers.  Follow the Ciclop instructions completely in the default.config.json file. If you have problems getting the ZUM card, as I did.

Since I found a number of bare printed boards I can with some checking on how to handle International mail send you a bare board for which you would need to provide the components and solder the components in place.  The fuse is optional as I see many circuits with the stepper driver that do not use a fuse.  A jumper will work. You would not need to pay me for it but if you feel an obligation please contribute to the forum.

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I,ve now install a solution with Arduino UNO and a board ZUN Scan. My WS2812B is now running.

It's just a first steep for me, because I can't obtain a good scan.  But that will be for a another ticket .


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