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[Solved] How can I use the latest testing version of the software?

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Yes i know it might bring some problems but I am a brave user and want to help evaluating the upcoming stable version of the FabScan software. How can i install the current testing branch of the software.

2 Answers
Topic starter

The following instruction assumes that you start by using a fresh installation from the latest image.

You need to edit the repository settings in the sources list in the console by typing:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fabscanpi.list

Change the following line 

deb  stable main


deb  testing main

This will change the update source to the testing directory.

NOTE: To switch back to the official release you need to switch back to stable To save your changes press CTRL + O, then ENTER and exit with CTRL + X​

Now do an update and dist-upgrade:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Finally you should reboot the FabScanPi:

sudo reboot

Alternatively you can switch off - switch on your FabScanPi

NOTE: Now you will use the testing data source. Because it is not officially released there will be NO SUPPORT for this version.


es hat sich ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen. Die Zeile, welche man ändern muss, heisst 

deb  stable main

diese ändert man in 

deb  testing main

((und das abspeichern nicht vergessen ))

mario mario Topic starter 03/10/2020 6:01 am

just fixed that.
