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[Solved] Trouble connecting with FabscanPi

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I am having trouble connecting with the FabscanPi. I have a RaspberryPi 3 B+, and a RPi-FabScan-HAT. At the web browser I get the info "The FabScanPi server is currently not running". Tried to use Firefox and Chrome on Linux Mint and Firefox on Windows 7 x64. Every time the same result. Tried a different router, cable connection or WiFi, no difference, same results. I can log via SSH. Restarting the server does not help.

pi@fabscanpi:~ $ ps -ef | grep -i fabscanpi | grep -i python root 2063 1 0 11:52 ? 00:00:06 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fabscanpi-server --config=/etc/fabscanpi/default.config.json --settings=/etc/fabscanpi/default.settings.json --logfile=/var/log/fabscanpi/fabscanpi.log

log file:

2019-11-17 11:52:17,042 - fabscan.server.FSScanServer - INFO - FabScanPi-Server 0.8.0+201911082051
2019-11-17 11:52:17,044 - fabscan.scanner.interfaces - DEBUG - Scanner Type is: laserscanner
2019-11-17 11:52:17,702 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Port in Config found
2019-11-17 11:52:17,704 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Latest available firmware version is: v.20190811
2019-11-17 11:52:19,880 - fabscan.lib.util.FSUtil - DEBUG - avrdude-original: Using autoreset DTR on GPIO Pin 7
2019-11-17 11:52:22,123 - fabscan.lib.util.FSUtil - DEBUG - avrdude-original: Using autoreset DTR on GPIO Pin 7
2019-11-17 11:52:22,675 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Trying to connect Arduino on port: /dev/ttyAMA0

Any help would be appreciated :)



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Seems to be a problem with serial connection to the Pi HAT. Try the following:

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Server version 0.8.0+201911082051. Baudrate 57600. Double checked the bootloader and fuse bits. Verified OK. I am considering a hardware problem with the RaspberryPi. I will connect a scope to GPIO14 and GPIO15 and take a look at the signals, and inspect for bad solder joints.

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It seems that GPIO14 and GPIO15 are OK. After checking with a scope, I connected a logical level analyzer to capture the data. I started logging after executing the command

sudo /etc/init.d/fabscanpi-server restart

Unfortunately I don't know how to make use of this data, to check if it's correct or not.

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I can't post the link to the logged data. I get "403 forbidden"

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The data being transferd is avrdude exchanging information with the Watterott bootloader using optiboot STK500 protocol. The bootloader does not write the flash memory. A STK_LEAVE_PROGMODE, 0x51 is sent, and the AVR is reset. After that 0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A and after that 0x4D 0x32 0x30 0x30 0x3B 0x0A. It is a G-code M200; command. After the M200; the AVR should reply with the firmware version number. Because there is no firmware in the flash memory, only the bootloader, nothing happens. Perhaps the server gets stuck in a loop, waiting for response ?

I tried to merge the bootloader with the firmware, using hexmate, and upload it with USBasp, but without success, it didn't work.

Any other ideas ?

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A temporary solution (until the bug fix release is finished) can be found here:
