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Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

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ich habe einen 3D-Scanner auf ciclopbasis gebaut und wollte ihn als fabscanpi betreiben. Hardware ist ok, Kamera, Drehteller und die beiden Laser

lassen sich mit fabscan steuern. Es ist alles justiert und eingestellt. Der Kalibrierungsvorgang wird mit Fehler beendet. In der fabscanpi.log wird von step69 - step85 ein Fehler angezeigt. ich komme leider nicht weiter. Vielleicht kann mir jemand auf die Sprünge helfen, was verkehrt läuft.

fabscanpi.log Auszug:

2021-12-03 08:26:22,900 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Trying to detect calibration pattern pose and plane.
2021-12-03 08:26:23,287 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Detected Plane: True, Detected Pose: True.
2021-12-03 08:26:23,287 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Calibration Pattern plane detected.
2021-12-03 08:26:23,288 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Current Angle is: -27.728909105242213
2021-12-03 08:26:23,295 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Capturing laser 0
2021-12-03 08:26:23,560 [545:1384305760] DEBUG - fabscan.FSScanner: CPU Temperature: 55.84 C
2021-12-03 08:26:24,581 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSCalibrationActor.py", line 442, in _capture_scanner_calibration
points_2d = self._imageprocessor.compute_2d_points(image, roi_mask=False, refinement_method='RANSAC')
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSImageProcessor.py", line 264, in compute_2d_points
u = (self.config.high_weighted_matrix * image).sum(axis=1)[v] / s[v]
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
2021-12-03 08:26:24,592 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Laser Capture Error: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (164$
2021-12-03 08:26:24,631 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Step 70 of 102 in MODE_SCANNER_CALIBRATION.
2021-12-03 08:26:26,259 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Trying to detect calibration pattern pose and plane.
2021-12-03 08:26:26,666 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Detected Plane: True, Detected Pose: True.
2021-12-03 08:26:26,667 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Calibration Pattern plane detected.
2021-12-03 08:26:26,668 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Current Angle is: -24.107321085938285
2021-12-03 08:26:26,674 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Capturing laser 0
2021-12-03 08:26:27,895 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSCalibrationActor.py", line 442, in _capture_scanner_calibration
points_2d = self._imageprocessor.compute_2d_points(image, roi_mask=False, refinement_method='RANSAC')
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSImageProcessor.py", line 264, in compute_2d_points
u = (self.config.high_weighted_matrix * image).sum(axis=1)[v] / s[v]
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
2021-12-03 08:26:27,896 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Laser Capture Error: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (164$
2021-12-03 08:26:27,962 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Step 71 of 102 in MODE_SCANNER_CALIBRATION.
2021-12-03 08:26:29,599 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Trying to detect calibration pattern pose and plane.
2021-12-03 08:26:29,991 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Detected Plane: True, Detected Pose: True.
2021-12-03 08:26:29,993 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Calibration Pattern plane detected.
2021-12-03 08:26:29,994 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Current Angle is: -20.461735591749697
2021-12-03 08:26:30,000 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Capturing laser 0
2021-12-03 08:26:31,225 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSCalibrationActor.py", line 442, in _capture_scanner_calibration
points_2d = self._imageprocessor.compute_2d_points(image, roi_mask=False, refinement_method='RANSAC')
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSImageProcessor.py", line 264, in compute_2d_points
u = (self.config.high_weighted_matrix * image).sum(axis=1)[v] / s[v]
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
2021-12-03 08:26:31,227 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Laser Capture Error: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (164$
2021-12-03 08:26:31,239 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Step 72 of 102 in MODE_SCANNER_CALIBRATION.
2021-12-03 08:26:32,872 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Trying to detect calibration pattern pose and plane.
2021-12-03 08:26:33,251 [545:1549915232] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: Detected Plane: True, Detected Pose: True.

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Ist wohl ein Fehler, der von Numpy in Python erzeugt wird. Aber warum tritt er nur bei mir auf. Ich bin aber mit meinen Programmkenntnissen

nicht in der Lage diesen Fehler zu korrigieren.

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@wolf2021 Good morning, 

Since this post shows out of sequence but is dated Dec. 15, are you indeed rested and willing to try again?  If you are, I/we need to determine some information such as what equipment you have such as: What control board are you using. Are you able to control the LED light ring as well as the lasers (the calibration process uses the LED light ring)?  Do you have a 3D printer or access to one? Are you able to control the external lighting as other reflections can adversely affect the results.   

I first started by turning out all lights and closing the window curtains.  My work on this is in the living room on a card table - since I'm the only person in the household I can do whatever I wish.  Presently I use a black cloth curtain in back of the ciclop and a black cloth draped over the unit to limit extra lighting. The curtain support is constructed using 3D printed brackets designed for 12 mm wood dowels. I can provide pictures of this and STL drawing files for 3D printing of the support brackets.  I have also modified the Pi camera holder to allow for rotation of the camera to align the vertical rotation of the green line as well as horizontal translation.  In addition to the vertical line being imposed on the turntable center it should be perpendicular to the turntable. I am assuming you are using the calibration pattern of 13mm squares, 6 rows and 11 columns.  The alignment of the green line and lasers should be according to the latest FabscanPi web page.

I suggest starting with a fresh copy of the software. Upon boot up, it takes about a minute for the LED light to flash on for about 10 seconds.  This must happen before the web page will appear in your browser.  Laser0 is on as a default at this time.  After you have adjusted the green line and lasers, I suggest shutting down and rebooting so that everything is in the default settings before initiating the calibration process.  As its early morning for me it's time for a cup of coffee.




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ve been working with a ciclop installation with some success.  While I cannot tell you exactly what is wrong I will send you zipped files of my recent work on December 4 and a calibration information performed today.   Because of unfamiliarity with ehe zip process 2 scans are shown in the 20211201-195516 folder- namely for the scan with this folder name and a folder within the folder for a scan 20211201-182733.  Scan 20211201-182733 is a test scan to determine if may calibration is correct.  Scan 20211201-195516 is a scan with the texture (color not checked) in which the red progress line reached nearly completion but will not display the scan complete bars.  I had to save the scan to another location with linux commands before aborting the scan. This is a problem i am encountering.  The scan height may need adjusting as the table also shows in the .ply files.   I am not sure of placement of the calibration pattern but the pattern 16 mm  ahead of table center gives good results.  If you look at my Default.config.json file the number of columns I use is 11.   

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Here is the zipped file I hope.

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Danke für die Hilfe. Habe fast die gleichen Einstellung benutzt. Was mir auffällt, das mein Bildausschnitt der Kamera ein anderer ist.

Ich habe eine Raspi-Kamera mit 3,6mm Objektiv verwendet um nicht zu viel Background zu haben. Möglicherweise liegt es daran. 

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Komme nicht weiter mit der Kalibrierung. Der Fehler tritt immer wieder an den gleichen Stellen auf, egal wo ich das Pattern aufstelle. Die Bilder im Scanverzeichnis sehen wie ich meine vernünftig aus. Die Scanhöhe ist bei mir auf 125mm eingestellt. 

Habe relevante Daten in eine Zip-Datei gepackt, die ich wie auch immer nicht anhängen kann.

Werde dieser Tage es mit einer anderen Rasp-V2-Kamera ohne Objektiv nochmals versuchen.

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Habe es jetzt mit einer anderen Rasp-V2-Kamera erneut versucht. Leider gleicher Fehler, gleiches Ergebnis. Pattern steht 15mm von Mitte.

Komme hier nicht mehr weiter. Hat jemand eine Idee?

Hier meine defaut.config


"folders": {
"www": "/usr/share/fabscanpi/",
"scans": "/home/pi/scans/"
"laser": {
"interleaved": "True",
"numbers": 2,
"color": "R (RGB)"
"scanner_type": "laserscanner",
"calibration": {
"weight_matrix": [],
"dist_camera_matrix": [],
"pattern": {
"square_size": 13,
"rows": 6,
"columns": 9,
"origin_distance": 39.5,
"type": "chessboard"
"camera_matrix": [
"distortion_vector": [
"laser_planes": [
"deviation": 0,
"distance": 0,
"normal": []
"deviation": 0,
"distance": 0,
"normal": []
"platform_translation": [],
"platform_rotation": [],
"type": "chessboard"
"meshlab": {
"path": "/usr/bin/"
"process_numbers": 3,
"turntable": {
"steps": 3200,
"radius": 100,
"height": 125,
"degree_per_step": {
"low": 3.6,
"medium": 1.8,
"high": 0.8
"camera": {
"resolution": {
"width": 1640,
"height": 1232
"preview_resolution": {
"width": 800,
"height": 600
"rotate": "False",
"hflip": "False",
"vflip": "False",
"type": "PICAM",
"undistort": "False"
"connector": {
"type": "serial",
"firmware": "ciclop",
"baudrate": 57600,
"autoflash": "False",
"flash_baudrate": 57600,
"port": "/dev/ttyUSB0"
"texture_illumination": 160,
"keep_raw_images": "False",
"keep_calibration_raw_images": "True",
"discoverable": "True",
"online_lookup_ip": ""

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Mir ist aufgefallen, dass beim kalibrieren nur der rechte Laser ein- und ausgeschaltet wird. Müssten nicht beide beim Kalibrierungsvorgang im Wechsel schalten? 

Über den Ein/Aus Button lassen sich beide Laser problemlos schalten. Hab es auch mit nur einem Laser versucht, kein Erfolg.

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From a non-expert, here are my thoughts:

I have no luck using the "interleaved":  "True", (i don"t know what to expect, what i get is no trace of action on the screen during the scan.  If  I remember correctly the table does turn and the lasers fire at the appropriate times but the .ply files do not contain a point cloud.

i believe your chessboard pattern information is incorrect. if you have the Ciclop pattern and holder I am using-The row and column info is derived from the Fabscan example procedure.  13 mm squares, 8 rows, 11 columns.

I did not change the turntable height from 155 and don't have an idea about its significance.

Your baud rates are different than the example, but you have a browser screen and communication so why change what works.  

My recommendations (will not cost anything but time):

Work with the V2 camera, you can try the special lens later.


"laser": {
"interleaved": "False",
"numbers": 2,
"color": "R (RGB)"
"scanner_type": "laserscanner",
"calibration": {
"weight_matrix": [],
"dist_camera_matrix": [],
"pattern": {
"square_size": 13,
"rows": 6,
"columns": 11,
"origin_distance": 35.0,
"type": "chessboard"

Additional info- The LED light data connection on the Zun Hat is as shown but the +5 volt and ground connections are in line with the data connection and can be checked with a voltmeter.

I am using a screen behind the device tahat has a black cloth curtain and additional side supports for a over the device cloth cover.  

Good luck in your calibration trial.

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THE Laser0 has given me problems at times.  I suggest a reboot.  After boot up the web page does not come on util the LED flashes at which time Laser0 comes on as the web page appears.  It takes about a minute for the LED to flashes for approximately 10 seconds.

The calibration sequence is such that the chart goes through a series of moves then a notice appears that calibration is started  and a series of Laser0 and Laser1 flashes with chart in various positions. It will give an approximate time and a notice when finished.

Since I am a widowed old man, I only have to consider my time and will check back in about 2 hours.  By the way my typing and proof reading is terrible so please forgive any mistakes. I always use the excuse "Well what do you expect of an old man anyhow" 

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Thank you for your help. Let me answer in my simple English, but anyway. I'm getting stuck right  now. I have no idea what's happen.

I will try to reconfigure the software in the near future. It's worth a try. I will report. Let me talk about the chess-pattern. I've tried 

3 different ones with the same result. I finally have to say thank you and sorry for my rusty english.

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With Google translate we don't need to worry too much about the language barrier.  My paternal grandparents were immigrated to the US from Germany in the last part of the 1800's.  Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to learn German.  A little Portuguese and a little Spanish as the we had exchange students from Mexico and Brazil and of course visited their families.

I am here 24/7 except for some grocery shopping and household duties or visiting the daughter 7km away.  I will try to work with you as you want.

I have a Fabscanpi unit and the Ciclop unit is being used to keep me thinking and have something interesting to do rather than the TV (idiot box).  I am widowed, retired and will be 86 next February so time is not a factor.

The unit I have 3D printed comes from Thingiverse and I am using the chessboard pattern from it.  I don't know how to get the Thingiverse number since everything is in the new format.  The row and column information is derived from the method shown in the Fabscan Documation.

My unit uses a Raspberry Pi4, an Arduino Uno and a Zum Hat.  I am powering it with a 12-volt capable up to 5-amp supply.  I am using a 3-amp voltage reducer to supply the Pi4 and of course the Arduino has 5-volt reduction on it. Since in the course of my life I have acquired an extra HDMI monitor, I do use it and a keyboard to monitor and control the raspberry Pi along with the web-based interface using either Edge or Firefox for the scanning operation. 

I can do adequate scans with the default settings and any of the 3 resolution selections but have issues with any deviation from the default settings.  I will try to attach pictures of the unit installations.  I have a struggle doing the attachment correctly, so I do a hope and pray each time I try.

6q0ViuEB 2057950869
Sb633nZz 2058034523
wB3RhNWa 2058030755
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It's true about the translator, but it's good for the head to be challenged a bit. I would also like to introduce myself. I am 73 years old and also retired, married and try to keep myself mentally fit.My school English is a bit rusty because you don't use it often, but this is an opportunity to do it again.Respect for your age and your work. At the moment I am frustrated because of my project.I will put the project aside for a few days. I'll be in touch again. 

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ok  I can understand wanting to let it rest for a bit.  I think when you do decide to try again, we will need to have a greater understanding of your equipment although I think you have the led light working.  Some of the later ciclops had a board which included the Arduino microcontroller as part of the board and had the functions to switch the lasers and control the motor but no good way to get to the processor pin designated A0 for controlling the light.  

For the fun of it, I also have had the Fabscanpi Hat controlling the ciclop to the level that the Arduino-Zum Hat works for me and also the Watterwott arduino hat with a hat having the functions of the Zum Hat on it (took a hand wired proto board to do that) also had to load the Fabscanpi firmware which utilizes different arduino pins than the Zum Hat. Rest a while and come back and have more fun.

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ich hänge mich mal mit rein, muß aber  gestehen dass ich die von euch zusammen getragenen Daten erst mal anschauen muß.

Irgendwie bekommen wir das  Problem sicher gelöst.



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Ich habe folgende Konfiguration derzeit, letzter Stand.

Drehteller habe ich von D=200 auf D=160 reduziert


Arduino UNO mit ZUM-SCAN Platine

Raspberry 3B

Kamera Rasp V1 oder V2 beides probiert, letzter Stand V2

Steppertreiber TMC 2209

2 Laser

Software: V 0.10.0

Firmware: 20210318

Ansteuerung funktioniert tadellos. Drehteller und Laser funktionieren.

Kalibrierung läuft wie ich meine normal ab bei dem nur Laser 0 (rechter Laser gesteuert wird, wobei ich den genauen Ablauf nicht kenne.

Am Ende erfolgt Fehlermeldung.


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Sorry im ZIP-Datei ist noch das Pattern für 200 Drehteller dargestellt. Für 160 er Drehteller genutzt 6x8 mit 11mm Quadraten.

Bei beiden gleiches Ergebnis.

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@wolf2021 ist das ein Ciclop Aufbau? Also Scanner ohne Gehäuse oder ist es alles in einer Box? Für den Fall das es ein offener Aufbau ist sollte das Interleaved in der Konfiguration auf True stehen. Mit Gehäuse also dunkler Scan Raum auf False.

Beim Starten des Servers wird automatisch die default.config.json genommen also nicht die ciclop.config.json. Die ciclop Datei ist nur eine Beispiel Konfiguration um zu zeigen wie die Einstellungen für den Cilcop Aufbau aussehen müssten. Du kannst also entweder die Werte Anpassen oder die Datei einfach kopieren bzw überschreiben.

Am Ende kommt es aber nur auf die folgenden Einstellungen an:

"connector": {
    "type": "serial",
    "firmware": "ciclop",
    "baudrate": 14400,
    "autoflash": "True",
    "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "flash_baudrate": 115200


"turntable": {
    "steps": 3200
    "radius": 100,
    "height": 155

ggf. dann noch wie oben beschrieben:

"interleaved": "True",

Was das Pattern betrifft hatte ich schon in einem anderen Beitrag was geschrieben.

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Good morning, Mario,


I can provide the same information for operation with the FabscanPi Hat or the Watterott Arduino Hat with a Hat which has the same function as the Zum Hat on the Arduino Uno R3 board. On those 2 cases I of course had to provide a default.config.json telling it to load the fabscanpi firmware into ttyAMA0.  With the version 10 software if I select a scan completed by deselecting no color (no texture scan) with all controllers when using the Ciclops calibration pattern characteristics, the process hangs when the red progress line nears completion and does not save or present the scan complete save menu.  I can do a directory command and find the scan folder listed and if I save the scan to another folder it is saved.  This seems to be true no matter which of the 3 controllers I use.  I have only checked the present FabscanPi cube a little, but the feature seems to work ok with it. 

On the FabscanPi cube I seem to have intermittent Laser0 trace operation.  I have external led's showing the laser operation and it seems that the laser0 is on for a shorter period than the laser1.  Is there a read period being missed? With all conditions - ciclop or FabscanPi- if I turn the motor on and then off from the browser, the scan operation will not work, and I have to reboot.  If you wish, I can run any conditions desired to check them.

I am very glad that you have a fully functioning spell and language checker on this editor now. I need it.

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Looking at your default.config.json file I have an issue with the "columns": 8, . I can't find it in the documentation now, but I think the figure should be 9 for your calibration chart.

Also, I don't see a "height": parameter in the turntable description.  I really don't know how it is used. One guess is it is used to restrict the recording of positions to a reasonable height and not display the rest of possible locations.  For me I can't get the "interleaved": True". to work but don't know enough to comment about it.

Now that Mario is here, I'm sure that the problem will be solved.


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ich habe extra das Pattern mit 6 Zeilen und 8 Spalten wie in der Dokumentation beschrieben von Mario zuletzt genommen,

damit ein Fehler von der Seite ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die Höhe habe ich gelöscht, da sie in der Datei ciclop.config.json im

Verzeichnis /etc/fabscanpi/ fehlt. Ich wollte damit den Fehler eingrenzen. Hatte keinen Einfluss.

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@wolf2021 Hello:

I am attaching a copy of the procedure from the Fabscanpi website which was downloaded perhaps 2 years ago and I have been using it to determine the information to put in the default.config.json file.  I have been using this and if it Incorrect I will have to change.  I am looking at your My-fabscan.zip file and it shows 9 columns in the jpeg picture of the chart. Also. I only edit the /etc/fabscanpi/default.config.json file and let the calibration procedure ghange the other two files in that folder.  If this is not correct, I need to change what I am doing.  I do get a calibration and a very credible scan of the cubic I use to check my calibration accuracy  I'm sure we can get everything working.


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Hope you enjoy the recipe-since i have to do my own cooking, looks like I had 2 memory sticks in my computer I looked for the scanned file and didn't check the contents.  Darned old man anyhow.  Here's another try.



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@Wolf2021 also ich hätte jetzt auch auf einen Fehler beim Pattern gesetzt. Ich konnte den Fehler in den Logs genau so reproduzieren (durch falsche Anzahl Zeilen und Spalten in der config. Ich habe schon die Software gepatcht so dass der Kalibrierungsvorgang zumindest mit einer Fehlermeldung im Frontend abgebrochen wird und nicht hängen bleibt. Ich muss aber noch einige Tests durchführen bevor ich das als Release veröffentliche.

Es kann sein das ich ein bisschen schlampig war beim Übertragen der Werte der defaul.config auf die ciclop.config. Also alles was in default drin ist und in ciclop fehlt sollte dort natürlich auch auftauchen. Die Konfigurationen sind so weit identisch bis auf die eingestellten Werte der einzelnen Parameter natürlich. Die Parameter sollten aber schon gleich sein. Wenn dir dort was auffällt bitte schreib einfach, dann kann ich das auch so übernehmen.

Wie groß das pattern am Ende ist 9x10, 6x8 oder was auch immer spielt keine Rolle. Wichtig ist nur das in der Config die Anzahl columns und rows passen zu deinem Aufsteller drin steht. Auch die square_size sollte passen.  Schau  noch mal hier nach


Dort ist beschrieben wie man das abzählt.

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Danke für die Rückmeldung. Habe bei meinem letzten Versuch das Pattern 6x8 gewählt, mit 

gleichem Ergebnis. Die Werte sind wie beschrieben, und es ist beim Laser True eingestellt.

wie sieht es mit dem Bildausschnitt aus? Muss er nur so groß sein wie der Drehteller oder kann

er größer sein? Mich macht stutzig, dass Python einen Numpy-Array Fehler meldet. Hängt dies mit dem Pattern zusammen?

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Posted by: @wolf2021

2021-12-03 0824,581 [545:1549915232] ERROR - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSCalibrationActor: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSCalibrationActor.py", line 442, in _capture_scanner_calibration
points_2d = self._imageprocessor.compute_2d_points(image, roi_mask=False, refinement_method='RANSAC')
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fabscan/scanner/laserscanner/FSImageProcessor.py", line 264, in compute_2d_points
u = (self.config.high_weighted_matrix * image).sum(axis=1)[v] / s[v]
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1640,1232) (1232,1640)

Der Fehler deutet darauf hin das irgendwas mit der Kamera Auflösung Problematisch ist. Mich wundert eigentlich dass der Fehler nicht durchgehend auftritt? Sondern ab Schritt 69. Kannst du da noch mal nachschauen ob das wirklich so ist? 

Posted by: @wolf2021

wie sieht es mit dem Bildausschnitt aus? Muss er nur so groß sein wie der Drehteller oder kann

er größer sein?

Der Bildausschnitt kann auch größer sein. Hast du die Kamera gedreht montiert (um 90°)? Also so wie beim FabScan vorgesehen? 


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Das Fehlerbild war immer gleich ab Schritt 69.

Jetzt aber die gute Nachricht. Es funktioniert. Der letzte Tip war entscheidend, die Kamera hatte ich falsch montiert. Nachdem ich sie

um 90° gedreht hatte war die Kalibrierung erfolgreich. Was für eine Erleichterung. Kleine Sache große Wirkung.

Vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine Hilfe.

Hatte auch gleich einen Scan gemacht und gleich das nächste Problem.

Bei Scanvorgang war keine Bildanzeige über Fortschritt zu sehen. Der Scanvorgang wurde beendet und Dateien werden geschrieben, kann

aber den Scan durch Aufruf nicht wieder anzeigen. Wird zwar angezeigt, dass der Scan geladen wird, es erscheint aber nichts auf dem Bildschirm.

Benutze Chrom-Browser.


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Es werden 3 Dateien geschrieben. Alle 3 sind leer.

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@wolf2021 I'm glad the calibration problem is solved.  It's also good you had help a little more technical than I could provide.  I had the same problem when trying with "interleave': "True" and had to change it back to "False".  I also agree with you that Laser0 does not always trigger.

If I remove the check for texture scanning, the scan proceeds with the red color bar going all the way to the right but the file download menu does not appear.  If use ssh or another monitor the scans folder will show. I have to copy to another folder not within /home/pi/scans/ to save it and the abort the scan.  Then I have to reboot.  This happens with ciclop no matter if I use the UNO/ZUM controller, a fabscanpi Hat, or a Watterott uno hat with a hat on it wired differently from the Zum Hat but performing the same function.  I have not noticed this with a FabscanPi cube but have performed limited checking of hat with version 10 software.

If I operate the motor to on, then off I have reboot to make everything work.  This happens no matter whether I am operating a ciclop or a FabscanPi.

I have checked this with both Edge and Firefox browsers.


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Good morning:

So the major solution to the problem is low tech rather than high.  We can have a good laugh about that.  I'll only say that in my 85 years, I've had at least 1 or 2 similar situations.  

Where do we go from here:

I am getting scans when using default settings.  I do have extra spots? appearing which may be light leakage through my black curtain arrangement.  

I made checks with the 2 alternant controllers because I am interested and because an earlier endeavor asked if the Fabscanpi Hat would work. I will attach zipped copies of that work in case there is an interest.  I do have to arrange the zip files to be less than 50 Mb, so it will  take a little time.


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I don't think this is a controller problem. I think the controller only executes the commands that the Raspberry, as the server, specifies. Therefore, I think it doesn't matter which controller I use. I hope I am right here. Mario can certainly say more about this. He recommends me (see post) In case it is an open setup the interleaved should be set to true in the configuration. With housing also dark scan room on False. I think it might be better to open a new topic here for your new problems.


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@wolf2021 Good morning, I think I will be able to add little more to the discussion so will just observe what progresses.  I agree that the ciclop or Fabscanpi' in its present use, can use any of the controllers that provide motor, LED light and Laser cswiching control could be used.  

Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season.  Noel

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@leonnoel Hello Noel,

I will improve the hardware a bit and then try to scan something. At the moment there are still problems, which I hope to be able to fix after the holidays.
Thanks for the support. Happy christmas and all the best for the new year.
