Hi guys,
Trying to get my bros ciclops scanner working after 5 years of it not being used. I built a sd card with the fabscan raspi image from this site so the settings are all default.
When I go to edit the config file and the ciclop config I get permission denied.
When I look at the documentation I can't see anything about this ( I'm probably blind)
I am using MobaXterm to connect to the raspberry and using the text editor built in I even try just downloading the files and deleting the originials but still no luck.
Welcome @Zeltrax,
if you are using the pi user for connecting to the Raspberry Pi, you need to use sudo in front of your editor command. All files in "/etc/" belong to the root user. You can get root user permissions by using sudo.
In case you are using nano the command should be:
sudo nano /etc/fabscanpi/defaul.config.json
The error in your last post mostly means that the server is not starting up. In the most cases this happens when the fabscanpi-server is not able to flash the firmware to the arduino.
Check your configuration. Especially the baudrate. It is set to 14400 in case of the ciclop. When i implemented the firmware for the ciclop i have chosen 14400 because my ciclop is not an original by BQ. It is a cheap chinese clone.
There are two baudrate configurations. One is for the serial communication, when the firmware is successfully flashed. The other one is for the flashing process. 115200 ( as it is default) should work.
You should also check the name of your serial device. In case of an arduino it is something like
but this can also vary depending on the used arduino board.
- Mario
I am waiting for Mario to confirm but I thinkthis is as should be. the Laser0 Is on by default at the beginning I'm assuming you are visually observing this and not on the web page of your browser. You should be able to find your local IP by typing the command "ifconfig" return from SSH or your locally connected keyboard and monitor. The IP should be displayed and you be able to find it and display your web page in either EDGE or FIREFOX. This won't necessarily allow you to get a good calibration unless the /etc/fabscanpi/default.config.json file has the correct values but the fact that you have a laser on indicates to me that you have the port address right and the baud rate ok. If you get the browser showing the web page I anticipate that you can control turning the LED on and off and the 2 lasers on and off. One of the problems I remember that has happened is if I control the motor on and off, the system has to be rebooted to continue. This seems to happen no matter if I am using a Ciclop or Fabscanpi unit. I wouldn't give up yet but perhaps take a rest.