This release is a bugfix release. It fixes some bugs reported since v.0.9.3.
- fixed user interface connection issue when scanner is offline
- fixed error while scanner is connecting to discovery service when scanner is offline
- fixed live stream issue for different browsers (mainly known from firefox)
You can upgrade as usual:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Or just download the latest image.
If you are using the testing branch you need to switch back to stable. Of course there is also a new image available. When you are not sure how to get started with the new version just use this new image.
I appreciate your feedback.
- Mario
yes, everything works very well, I have absolutely no problems. The scans are fantastic and finally the Fabscan also works offline ... My "self-sufficient" Pi is now in the internet-free workshop with a version that works 100% and a Ubuntu PC with RT Kernel and Chromium. Now I need a second ... to testing.