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Connecting stepper motor 17HM3410 nr 20170821 to FabScanPi Hat

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The stepper motor delivered with my kit is 17HM3410 nr 20170821
Watterott is selling this 400 Steps/Rev motor and by downloading the data sheet for 17HM3410 stepper motors and got the right color wiring...

> I then connected the wires for turntable to the FabScanPi Hat, following the logic:
Datasheet on internet show (let's call this = configuration 1, you'll understand later):
black coil A >>> A 1
green coil A - >> A 2
red coil B >>>>> B 1
blue coil B - >>> B 2
>> On startup & test, all I got was a squirking noise and noticed that a serious magnetic torque was blocking the turntable.

I then changed wires as in the tutorial video (let's call this = configuration 2):
red coil B >>>>> A 2
blue coil B - >>> A 1
black coil A >>> B 2
green coil A - >> B 1
On startup & test: no more squirking but the table runs anticlockwise & stepperdriver gets warm >50°C

I thought 'oh, if the turntable turns anticlockwise, reversing both inductors will make it spin clockwise... no go! You will have to invert the right pair of wires from only one motor coil ! Explanations found here.
>>>>>>>>  But then, clearly, there is confusion between wire pairs - as in 'connecting the stepper motors' which are pair B (wire B1 & B2) and pair A (wire A1 & A2) - and the steppermotor board outputs (motor coil 1 (pins M1A & M1B) and motor coil 2 (pins M2A & M2B))
This confusion was confirmed as I downloaded the datasheet for the Silent step stick 2100-5V and the data sheet for the motor driver IC on it (TCM2100)

datasheet TCM2100 rev 109 QFN36: >> SilentStep2100-5V: >> PiHat output: > conf2 = makes the turntable turn CCW = no good:
pin 13 = OB1 = chip coil B output 1 >> SSSjp2pin 4 = M2a >> turntable output 1A > Blu wire (motorcoil B -)
pin 15 = OB2 = chip coil B output 2 >> SSSjp2pin 3 = M2b >> turntable output 2A > Red wire (motorcoil B)
pin 34 = OA1 = chip coil A output 1 >> SSSjp2pin 5 = M1a >> turntable output 1B > Grn wire (motorcoil A -)
pin 32 = OA2 = chip coil A output 2 >> SSSjp2pin 6 = M1b >> turntable output 2B > Blk wire (motorcoil A)

THIS configuration makes the table turn clockwise as it should = configuration 3 = correct !! :
datasheet TCM2100 rev 109 QFN36: >> SilentStep2100-5V: >> PiHat output:
pin 13 = OB1 = chip coil B output 1 >> SSSjp2pin 4 = M2a >> turntable output 1A > Blu wire (motorcoil B -)
pin 15 = OB2 = chip coil B output 2 >> SSSjp2pin 3 = M2b >> turntable output 2A > Red wire (motorcoil B)
pin 34 = OA1 = chip coil A output 1 >> SSSjp2pin 5 = M1a >> turntable output 1B > Blk wire (motorcoil A)
pin 32 = OA2 = chip coil A output 2 >> SSSjp2pin 6 = M1b >> turntable output 2B > Grn wire (motorcoil A -)

To my conclusion:
* The FabScanPi Hat is correctly labeled when interpreting output pairs A (so outputs A1 & A2) and B (and outputs B1 & B2) going to motor coils A (wires A1 & A2) and B (wires B1 & B2).
The confusion seems to be originating from SilentStepStick outputs naming: motors M1 wires A&B and motor 2 wires A&B...
* The tutorial video showing a similar connection of a 4 wire stepper motor (like my Watterot 17HM3410 nr 2017082) is making the turntable spin counterclockwise, which is wrong way round, according to described test procedure
* Somewhere the manual should say 'invert the right 2 wires in 1 coil if the turntable spins wrong way round' (according to this)
* The datasheet for SilentStepStick 2100-5V says there should be enough cooling and to keep the temp of the drivers below 150°C, so my >50°C seems largely acceptable) - although the manual could warn for such high temps under the wooden cabinet, so I plan to never leave my fabscan alone while switched on !!
* It is advisable to keep the wiring away from hot parts (stepstick and 5A powersupply on piHat), so why not mention this in the instructions, too. The few tie-wraps will do the trick perfectly well.

2019 02 01 14.50.21 184 ok cw conf3
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I want to thank you for this information.  It was the last step that I needed for my FabscanPi to work.  I was kind of baffled with this.  Thanks.  Mike

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So I bought the same set from Watterrot with the same motor, so i decided to follow your instructions, and cable the board as you showed on the picture. The problem is now, that the callibration did not work anymore. Do you had the same problem?


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The engine is broken. He does not move anymore. Have him synonymous exactly as in the instructions from video to the website connected.
