Stepper, LED-Ring u...
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Stepper, LED-Ring und 2. Laser laufen nicht

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ich muss erst mal sagen das es ein echt schönes Projekt ist und da auch schon viel Entwicklungsarbeit drin steckt, Rspect!
Ich habe mir die Tage ein Fabscan-HAT kommen lassen.
Ich hatte damit scheinbar die gleichen Probleme, wie Andere hier und musste die Firmware aufgrund von Verbindungsproblemen neu flashen.
Hat auch bisher alles geklappt, der HAT wird laut Log erkannt, die Cam läuft und Zugriff auf den Web-Server ist auch da.
Aber Stepper laufen auf keinem Kanal, genauso wenig wie Servos (weder beim aufschalten auf den Web-Server, noch bei Kalibrierung, noch bei einem Scan). Habe in der Config 6400 und 3200 Stepps versucht, ohne jeglichen Erfolg. Auch der zweite Laser will nicht an gehen (habe die Laser auch mal getauscht, funktionieren beide), genauso wie der LED-Ring nicht an schaltet.

Die Lötstellen habe ich mittlerweile zwei mal nachgebessert und soweit auf Kontakt durchgemessen, die haben alle Kontakt.
Irgendwelche Ideen woran das liegen kann???


Viele Grüße

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All same Time in English:

I apparently had the same problems as others here and had to re-flash the firmware due to connection problems.
Has everything worked so far, the HAT is recognized according to the log, the cam is running and access to the web server is also there.
But steppers do not run on any channel, neither do servos (neither when connecting to the web server, nor during calibration, nor during a scan). I tried 6400 and 3200 steps in the config, without any success. The second laser does not want to go on either (I have changed the lasers, they both work), just like the LED ring does not turn on.

In the meantime, I have touched up the soldering points twice and measured them for contact as far as possible.
Any ideas what could be ???

Here is my Log:
2020-02-15 11:59:52,300 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - CPU Temperature: 39.01 C
2020-02-15 12:00:10,247 - fabscan.lib.util.FSUtil - DEBUG - System Exit initiated...
2020-02-15 12:00:10,252 - fabscan.server.FSScanServer - DEBUG - Waiting for Webserver exit...
2020-02-15 12:00:10,612 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M18;
2020-02-15 12:00:10,938 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - G07;
2020-02-15 12:00:12,944 - fabscan.server.FSScanServer - DEBUG - Waiting for Scanner exit...
2020-02-15 12:00:12,968 - fabscan.server.FSScanServer - INFO - FabScan Server Exit. Bye!
2020-02-15 12:01:27,493 - fabscan.server.FSScanServer - INFO - FabScanPi-Server 0.8.2
2020-02-15 12:01:27,508 - fabscan.scanner.interfaces - DEBUG - Scanner Type is: laserscanner
2020-02-15 12:01:30,756 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Port in Config found
2020-02-15 12:01:30,768 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Latest available firmware version is: v.20190811
2020-02-15 12:01:33,544 - fabscan.lib.util.FSUtil - INFO - avrdude-original: Using autoreset DTR on GPIO Pin 7
2020-02-15 12:01:34,223 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Trying to connect Arduino on port: /dev/ttyAMA0
2020-02-15 12:01:37,239 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Installed firmware version: v.20190811
2020-02-15 12:01:37,241 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - INFO - FabScanPi is connected to FabScanPi HAT or compatible on port: /dev/ttyAMA0
2020-02-15 12:01:39,260 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Connection baudrate is: 57600
2020-02-15 12:01:39,268 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - Firmware flashing baudrate is: 57600
2020-02-15 12:01:39,272 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSHardwareController - DEBUG - Reset FabScanPi HAT...
2020-02-15 12:01:39,604 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M18;
2020-02-15 12:01:39,934 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - G07;
2020-02-15 12:01:40,438 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSCamera - DEBUG - Cam Stream with Resolution (800, 600) stopped
2020-02-15 12:01:40,441 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSHardwareController - DEBUG - Reset FabScanPi HAT...
2020-02-15 12:01:40,774 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M18;
2020-02-15 12:01:41,104 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - G07;
2020-02-15 12:01:41,107 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSHardwareController - DEBUG - Hardware controller initialized...
2020-02-15 12:01:42,704 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSScanProcessor - INFO - Laser Scan Processor initilized...FSScanProcessor (urn:uuid:03c0b69b-a8a7-4818-b7d1-332f7fd2b7ab)
2020-02-15 12:01:42,727 - fabscan.server.FSWebServer - DEBUG - /usr/share/fabscanpi/
2020-02-15 12:01:42,896 - fabscan.FSScanner - INFO - Job scheduler started.
2020-02-15 12:01:42,898 - fabscan.FSScanner - INFO - Scanner initialized...
2020-02-15 12:01:42,901 - fabscan.FSScanner - INFO - Number of cpu cores: 1
2020-02-15 12:01:42,936 - fabscan.lib.util.FSDiscovery - INFO - Registering ip to discovery service.
2020-02-15 12:01:43,866 - fabscan.lib.util.FSDiscovery - INFO - Successfully registered to
2020-02-15 12:01:44,445 - fabscan.FSScanner - INFO - Added discovery scheduling job.
2020-02-15 12:02:44,467 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - CPU Temperature: 40.62 C
2020-02-15 12:03:44,467 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - CPU Temperature: 40.08 C
2020-02-15 12:04:44,474 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - CPU Temperature: 40.08 C

and my Config:
"folders": {
"www": "/usr/share/fabscanpi/",
"scans": "/home/pi/scans/"
"online_lookup_ip": "",
"laser": {
"color": "R (RGB)",
"numbers": 2,
"interleaved": "False"
"scanner_type": "laserscanner",
"calibration": {
"weight_matrix": [],
"dist_camera_matrix": [],
"pattern": {
"square_size": 10,
"rows": 6,
"columns": 8,
"origin_distance": 37.2
"camera_matrix": [],
"distortion_vector": [],
"laser_planes": [
"deviation": 0,
"distance": 0,
"normal": []
"deviation": 0,
"distance": 0,
"normal": []
"platform_translation": [],
"platform_rotation": []
"keep_raw_images": "True",
"meshlab": {
"path": "/usr/bin/"
"process_numbers": 3,
"turntable": {
"steps": 6400,
"radius": 70,
"height": 155
"camera": {
"rotate": "True",
"resolution": {
"width": 2592,
"height": 1944
"vflip": "False",
"undistort": "False",
"preview_resolution": {
"width": 800,
"height": 600
"hflip": "True",
"type": "PICAM"
"discoverable": "True",
"serial": {
"plattform_type": "fabscanpi",
"baudrate": 57600,
"autoflash": "True",
"port": "/dev/ttyAMA0",
"flash_baudrate": 57600
"texture_illumination": 40

Best Regards
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When I go on the Web-Server, this comes in the Log:

2020-02-15 12:12:46,109 - - DEBUG - New client connected
2020-02-15 12:12:47,005 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - Upgrade available: False 0.8.2
2020-02-15 12:12:47,015 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FSScanProcessor - DEBUG - Checking Hardware connections
2020-02-15 12:12:56,908 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSCamera - DEBUG - Cam Stream with Resolution (800, 600) started
2020-02-15 12:12:57,296 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M21;
2020-02-15 12:13:02,593 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M05 R0 G0 B0;
2020-02-15 12:13:02,817 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M05 R0 G0 B0;
2020-02-15 12:13:11,102 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - CPU Temperature: 46.54 C
2020-02-15 12:13:28,817 - fabscan.FSScanner - DEBUG - Close Settings
2020-02-15 12:13:29,166 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M18;
2020-02-15 12:13:29,497 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - G07;
2020-02-15 12:13:29,888 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M05 R0 G0 B0;
2020-02-15 12:13:30,217 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - DEBUG - M22;
2020-02-15 12:13:30,838 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSCamera - DEBUG - Cam Stream with Resolution (800, 600) stopped

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I have ordered me new Steppers (Nema 17 12V 0,4A 3200Stepps) with Drivers, but they also show no function on the FabSac-Hat...

Have anybody an idea????

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Can you please share some pictures of your wiring? It is unlikely that the motor is dead. Those errors are mostly caused by one of these issues: 

  • wrong wiring
  • bad solder joints
  • corrupt motor driver
  • wrong motor current (related to motor driver poti)
  • motor is not connected to 12v power supply


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Hello :)
The solder joint are all measured with Multimeter and have contact.
I have test three different 12v Power- Supplies (1A, 1,5A 3A) with two different 5V (2,5A 3,1A).
I have test it with 12(!) new Motor-Drivers (from two different manufactures)....
There are 12v on Vmot, on A1-B2 are between 0.2-0.8V, no signal on enable (on both Motor-Drivers).
Ihave Test it with 4 different Steppers.....(The are all 1,8° = 3200Steps)
The Lasers work, but the LED-Ring won`t (There are 5v on it, but no signal comes on the Data-Channel).
The Cable which comes with the LED-Ring have 4 Channels, but there are only three, so i have soldered pins there and took an own cable.
The Web-Server is reachable and works, but no moving on Preview or Calibrating.
I have no Idea where the error is.....


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IMG 5794
IMG 5792
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Ihave test it also with an Raspberry 3 B, B+ and Zero W (The picture and the Logs is from the Zero W, but the Logs and the errors are all the same at all).

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Posted by: @archeotron

The solder joint are all measured with Multimeter and have contact.


Posted by: @archeotron

I have test three different 12v Power- Supplies (1A, 1,5A 3A) with two different 5V (2,5A 3,1A).
I have test it with 12(!) new Motor-Drivers (from two different manufactures)....


Posted by: @archeotron

There are 12v on Vmot, on A1-B2 are between 0.2-0.8V, no signal on enable (on both Motor-Drivers).
Ihave Test it with 4 different Steppers.....(The are all 1,8° = 3200Steps)


Posted by: @archeotron

The Cable which comes with the LED-Ring have 4 Channels, but there are only three, so i have soldered pins there and took an own cable.

Can you post a picture of your LED Ring (connectors) just that we can be sure that this thing is ok. And can you also give me more information about the motor drivers you are using. From the picture it looks like something as a4988 ...

Posted by: @archeotron

Ihave test it also with an Raspberry 3 B, B+ and Zero W (The picture and the Logs is from the Zero W, but the Logs and the errors are all the same at all).

 I recommend the 3B or 3B+. The Zero W does not have enough CPU power.

I think that the LED-Ring and Motor issue is not related to the Pi. In fact that you connected all things in a correct way there is a small chance that the responsible ports of the atmega on the pi HAT are damaged. But before we come to this conclusion we should have a closer look on the motor driver type and the led connector. I just need to know which hardware is used before i can give you more hints.


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Hello and thanks for the fast Reply :)

The Motor-Drivers are full-A4988-compatible Step-Sticks. (both are optical similar and from Amazon, see picture)

IMG 5798

Motor should be a UsongShine 17HS3401S with 1,8° deg 0,4A? (other Manufactures sell it with 1,3A and 43Ncm) 12V 26Ncm, but there is no Label on the Motor.


The Lasers are focusable Red-Lines with 650nm with 3-5v.

The LED-Ring ist the original Cam-Mount from Waterott

IMG 5802


IMG 5800

With the PICam V2.1 (nonIR) and 50cm Flex-cable.

The Power Supplies are measured before and works correct.

My Configuration with 3d-printed Parts is taken from the CebScan-Project.

I know that an 3b or 3b+ is recommend, but befor i crash some, i took an cheaper Zero W (I also have test it with 3b and 3b+, the errors are the same).

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It should run with those drivers. But when it is running you need to do some additional tweaks on the HAT. (see )

Let's solve things one after the other. We should start with the motor. Can you post the motor type please. We need to find out if your wiring is correct and the coil pairs match like it is described in the docs.

When the motor is running we will find a solution for the LED issue.

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Posts: 17


Yes, thats it.
Meanwhile the Motors runs correct. The Lasers also.
But the LED´s don`t work. So the Calibration won`t work too.
I think the Data-Signal is lost.

Is there another way to connect the Data-Signal (PI-Out etc)?


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Posts: 14


Have you solved this issue yet? if not, you might check continuity from the arduino chip to the ring light, and from the power supply entry on the board to the ring light. I have attached 2 photos of your board and light with annotations to guide you.If those are good then you might test the ringlight with another arduino using the "fastLED" library (this is a link to an instructable )




fabscan pi hat

please report your results. good luck




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Thanks for the Reply! :)
I meanwhile get an new FabScanHat from Waterott, because my building-charge have no right boot-loaders.
They delivered me a new one, without I have asked about it.
Thanks a lot to Waterott!!!

But my Problem with the Ring-Light is also on the new Hat, that I think I get an already damaged Ring-Light?!
There is already no Function on Power on the FabScan or also on Start Calibration, that the Calibration stops at 35sec left and ended with the Error that the Laser can not be estimated.

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Do you have a solution yet? I have the same problem, the ringlight itself is ok (colorpalette works), the HAT delivers 5v and Ground For me it looks like the HAT does not provide a data signal....

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I had some exercise with Corona.

But there is no solution yet.

I have no fine Tools to measure the Chip, so i had buy me a new Ringlicht, but this do also not work.

It must an Error on the Hat!!!!!!!!

Or have you a solution found????

In the next Days I will write to Watterott :( :( :(

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Hello Mario :)

Do you have any solution for this?????

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Have you ever tried to press "off" and then "on"?
This is how the LED light works for me
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@stef1186: Good one, that worked instantly for me!

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There comes no signal out on the ring-light-connector....
Not on pressing light on and not on calibrating or scanning...... :(

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meanwhile i could measure the pin (data out on the chip), there are permanent 0,14V (no matter if the ring-light is turned on or not).
I also put the latest fabscan-image on another sd-card to try it with the original-image, but also no success.

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Posted by: @archeotron

meanwhile i could measure the pin (data out on the chip), there are permanent 0,14V (no matter if the ring-light is turned on or not).
I also put the latest fabscan-image on another sd-card to try it with the original-image, but also no success.

Does the motor turn or Laser switiching work (just to be sure that the serial connection to the HAT works)? Have you checked the solder joints of the led ring connector? There should be a voltage of 5v on one of the ring connector pins. Check if the polarity of the connector is reversed (soldering)?

