can I download and build the develop branch image by following these instructions ?
Are you using 2 lasers ? I'm having some trouble focusing the laser line, seems to only work if the main body sits in a certain rotation. Is there any other good recommendable laser, other than this ?
can I download and build the develop branch image by following these instructions ?
Or do I also need to build Backend and Firmaware ? I have PyCharm community edition, will that work ?
Are you using 2 lasers ? I'm having some trouble focusing the laser line, seems to only work if the main body sits in a certain rotation. Is there any other good recommendable laser, other than this ?
Would you be willing to share what settings you used on those scans? Also what hardware (8MP or 12MP camera, with or without an additional lense). As have upgraded to the newest version (0.10.0) and having issues with getting a good image. I am working with a Pi 4 B with 8GB of RAM and a 16 GB SD card. Camera is the 8MP without any additional lenses. Computer running the front end is a P700 with 2 x hex core Xeon and 86GB of available RAM on windows 10 Pro. If there is additional info' you need please let me know will also try to contact on Discord.