Active Member
Joined: Feb 24, 2019
Last seen: Apr 3, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 17
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

I think you can also adjust the 'switch' variable in the script so that the internal pullup resistor is used. ...not yet tested. The internal pu...

3 years ago
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

Hello, I have now retested the installation script and it starts on my system. What I have done: - download zip from github & extract it ...

3 years ago
RE: my FabScanPi modifications (with pictures)

I use the complete set of Watterott, there was a 12V / 2A power supply and a 5V / 2A voltage converter included. This works fine (at least with my HDD...

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

@iadegesso take a look at 'my FabScanPi modifications (with pictures)'

5 years ago
last picture

...and with HDD. 4_Bottom__HDD.jpg

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

so, wie versprochen..... nach dem letzten Umbau. Bottom_2.jpg Inside_2.jpg

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

@rene ich hab da noch was besseres gefunden und noch dazu zu einem echt fairen Preis. GPIO Adapter für RPi-Display B+Ihr habt doch Kontakt zu Watterot...

5 years ago
RE: paint the housing

@danilo0702 I have everything that is possible on the HAT soldered to have all the options. The HAT had connections for 'Laser 1' next to 'Security sw...

5 years ago
RE: paint the housing

With v.0.7.0 calibrating with 2 lasers already works .... only the scan is not yet, because the scan stops after half. But I'm in good spirits that M...

5 years ago
RE: paint the housing

I have to agree with Mario, black is the best (but only matte black).I have covered the inside with matte black adhesive foil (from the hardware store...

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

Front.jpg Bottom.jpg

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

Ich kann ja am Wochenende noch ein/zwei Bilder machen und hochladen.... ? Übrigens... ich hab gesehen (gelesen), das du am 2. Laser abeitest... find ...

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

So der Umbau ist jetzt erstmal soweit abgeschlossen und funktioniert garnicht mal schlecht. Ich hab allerdings festgestellt, das doch noch ein Pin meh...

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

Den Schaltplan hatte ich schon, nur leider Eagle noch nicht. Ich hab jetzt mal nachgemessen und der FPC40 hat einen Pitch von 0,5mm. Mal schauen, wann...

5 years ago
RE: Communicate with FabscanPI HAT

@Andrea Did you start minicom as ROOT ??? You can also test it with the following commands: right laser ON sudo echo "M21" > /dev/ttyAMA0right las...

5 years ago
RE: RPi-Fabscan-Hat

Na das ist ja mal gut zu wissen, das nur RX/TX benutzt werden. THX Seh ich das richtig, alle 40 Pins auf den schmalen FPC-Connector geroutet sind? We...

5 years ago
RE: Communicate with FabscanPI HAT

Hello, I have tested it too with minicom 2.7 and for me it worked with fabscanpi-server 0.7.0 started and stopped and Firmware v.20190211. I can turnt...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 5705