Last seen: Oct 7, 2023
Mario,Would you be willing to share what settings you used on those scans? Also what hardware (8MP or 12MP camera, with or without an additional lense...
@Mario, Second attempt with lowest resolution and highest contrast settings on. This time it hung at 5 minutes to finish with the same blank scannin...
@Mario Here is the last part of the log before it went into lock up:2020-12-14 10:42:18,909 [502:2593317984] DEBUG - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.FS...
@markkThanks for that information as I am planning on upgrading to the RaspPi 4 B with 4GB and hopefully that will help with scanning. As I can scan w...
Given the current needed by the Pi 4 and the limiting factor on the step down best practice would be to remove the step down and go with an external p...
No metal bearings and my background on the industrial side is CNC and Industrial construction (former Industrial Pipefitter in Detroit area). I have d...
I have been working on a design that uses four lasers, trapizodal screw and Nema 23's to drive the motion. The Turn table has been up graded to be sup...
@mario Understand and will do. Luckily i have a Github account.
@mario Any update on the new camera? Also I am working on the FabScan Pi board to alter it a bit to allow 4 lasers and only 2 motors (stepper or...
@mario One issue, is what lens are you looking to be the basis of the updated design? As The lens height will change were you want to place the ...
Nice to see folks building off the design I did. Very nice indeed. Michael
Here are some photo's of the shroud and it's assembly. Sorry for the delay in posting. These photos show the general design and how it effects placeme...
@mario It works now just have to put a muffler on it and also upload the photos I have taken of it so folks get a better idea of how it is insta...
@mario If I understand what you are asking for, would an object that incorporates a positive and negative 30° angle from the vertical plane. Whi...
@marioThanks, will try it out and let you know what improvement if any it makes and any changes that i make to the design. Michael
Still trying to get the pins right for power but here is the Thingiverse link for the design: Additional items when assembling this is a 2 x 30mm bolt...
@mario Vref is at 1.10 with the motor being a 17HS8401 Link here: As normal with stepper motors the last four numbers are important on current and imp...
No, not according to the build on the web site.
@mario Looks like I improperly modified the json file and that was part of the issue. Was able to go back and get the 3200 dealt with and the 2 lasers...
@mario Did full re-install and everything is working so far. Don't know what was the issue and will try to find out for you. But now it is connecting ...
Having issues with getting an older image of FabScanPi
@mario No I have not tried a version below 0.8.0. Results what you suggested is this: pi@fabscanpi:~ $ sudo avrdude-autoreset -D -V -U flash:w:/usr/li...
@mario Additional information on issues as follows: pi@fabscanpi:~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/fabscanpi-server stopNo process in pidfile '/tmp/fabscanpi-serve...
Same issue and I am getting: avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyAMA0/firmware/fabscanpi_v.20190811.hex:i": Not a directory avrdude done. ...