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Joined: Mar 18, 2020
Last seen: Apr 22, 2023
Topics: 10 / Replies: 31
RE: Fabscan Fehlersuche

Yeay...der Fehler mit dem verdrehten Modell ist nach wie vor vorhanden...einmal Fabscan neugestartet, weil sich da mal wieder was aufgehangen hat, und...

1 year ago
RE: Fabscan Fehlersuche

Vor zwei Jahren hatte ich das Ding ja bei Watterott, die den Schrittmotor und ich meine auch die Laser gegen die originalen Komponenten aus dem Projek...

1 year ago
RE: Fabscan Fehlersuche

Ich hab den Fabscan heute nach knapp 2 Jahren Pause nochmal angeschmissen. Ich bekomm das Ding nach wie vor nicht dazu, zwei Scans hintereinander fe...

1 year ago
RE: Release v.0.10.0 is available.

Fired up my Fabscan Pi again, after two years of sleep.Looks like server v0.10.2 is out now and current firmwareversion is dated 20200624. Is there a ...

1 year ago
RE: Tip für besseres Scanergebnis

Danke für den Tip mit dem Mehl. Ich hatte grade nach Kreidespray gesucht und bin darauf gestoßen, da ich mit zwei Testobjekten ebenfalls Probleme beim...

2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 670
RE: Fabscan Fehlersuche

Niemand ne Idee?

3 years ago
RE: Stepper-Treiber

Da gehts weiter:

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan Fehlersuche

Ja, wenn man das Calibrationsheet so hindreht, dass der Scanner es nicht zuerst umdreht und dann 58 Minuten und nach ner halbe Stunde später knapp 80 ...

3 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 980
RE: Stepper-Treiber

Ach nice, der Teller dreht sich wieder :)Allerdings läuft jetzt erstmal 58 Minuten die Kalibrierung.Mal schauen, ob ich mir dann ne neue Kamera für de...

3 years ago
RE: Stepper-Treiber

Vref hab ich einfach mal stumpf hochgedreht. Hat leider keine Änderung gebracht.Ich hab neulich noch TMC2130 in nem anderen Projekt verbaut und da war...

3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 681
Replies: 1
Views: 714
Replies: 0
Views: 874
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

As on every open source project ;)Any opinion on my camera setup? Can you see what's faulty? Or any idea why I got so many errors in the log file?Or i...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

That's what it looks like. But as you can see in the video, sometimes the image looks a little bit blue colored...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

Just wanted to upload the logfile - but this odd forum doesn't allow the filetype log -.- Renaming it to txt helps...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

About the new UI I've read last year when I was testing. Any progress on this? Are you already in alpha state? Isn't it the right camera? What do...

3 years ago
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

@marioThat's exactly what I added on github:

3 years ago
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

@etofi Yes, it is, I soldered the switch before I could manage to get the script working.I'm more the hardware guy....as sonn as I knew which GPIO to ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

Figured out my PSU was 12V 1.5A only - so I changed it and now I'm using 12V 4A - looks like the fabscan is working more stable now.Still didn't repla...

3 years ago
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

okay, it's just a simple sudo python ./install

3 years ago
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

I asume it's no shell script :DSo how do I start the installer? I assume it's a python script...

3 years ago
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

@etofi which GPIO did you use? The schematics is not clear which one is free :(

3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 845
RE: Power-LED and shutdown-button

Nope. As my fabscan wans't running properly, I didn't spend any time on it.At the moment I'll give it another attempt. If it works, I'll see what I ca...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

When I bought the kit (it wasn't the full kit, as I had many party already here) it was common to mount the laser on the servo (which was included as ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan still instable - changing voltage regulator, adding second servo for second laser?

And btw. is it timo to connect the laser's motors? until now I had them disconnected, as the firmware didn't support it's movement :D

3 years ago
RE: Where to find config file?

Just upgraded my heatsink and downloaded the image again (2020-10-13-FabScanPi-lite).Now the config-file works as exspected. No idea what changed.

3 years ago
RE: Where to find config file?

That's exactly why Im writing: theres no config file.

4 years ago
RE: How to setup WiFi.

Well, finally I know what caused my problem. Tried to connect to the 5Ghz wifi....but good old RPi3 only supports 2.4Ghz. Will a SSID-scanner and wi...

4 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1098
RE: Calibration fails with Fabscan 2020-06-29

Same here. Got 2020-06-29 installed. Looks like calibration works fine. But when I would like to start a test-scan I get the message calibration faile...

4 years ago
RE: How to setup WiFi.

Just got the new image (2020-06-29). But I couldn't get wifi up and running. Every time I reboot, the /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf file has gone....no ...

4 years ago