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Joined: Apr 24, 2020
Last seen: Oct 15, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 59
RE: Bad scan ! Help

Use of Calibration Cone and Test Cubic The calibration cone is derived from what is used on the Sardauscan scanner. I find that it provides a better...

2 years ago
RE: Bad scan ! Help

Hello, I think we need to clarify what I met to say. The distance between the plane of the camera trace for the same points on the object when scann...

2 years ago
RE: Bad scan ! Help

@pigmlion613 My first thought is that your centering of the camera or lasers may not be quite as accurate as you think they are. The distance between...

2 years ago
RE: Bad scan ! Help

@pigmlion613 This problem has been documented in the forum before. The short answer is in the default.config.json file reduce the "origin_distance" a...

2 years ago
RE: Bad scan ! Help

Another thought, If I understand your info when you tried one laser you did not get a trace, if so, how do you know the laser even triggered for each ...

3 years ago
RE: Bad scan ! Help

@pigmlion613 No I don't know what the height dimension is for. To make sure the stepper driver is set for the proper microstepping an easy way is pla...

3 years ago
RE: Wiring Arduino Uno to A4988 Motor Driver


3 years ago
RE: Bad scan ! Help

Now the fun and guessing begin. I don't know exactly what height dimension does so haven't changed from the 155 given in the example provided in the...

3 years ago
RE: WS2812B ring problem

@pigmlion613 You would probably not have to load the bootloader but if you do it can be loaded from another Arduino UNO thru the ISCP ports with jumpe...

3 years ago
RE: WS2812B ring problem

@pigmlion613 I am attaching a picture of the controller board I think you are attempting to use. My guess is that there is no connection to control th...

3 years ago
RE: Scanmuster hat Lücken bzw. Scanlinien werden sporadisch ausgelassen

@wolf2021 the scans and corresponding settings are saved in /home/pi/scans/"date"-"time" folders of the SD card the Raspberry Pi and if you load an ex...

3 years ago
RE: Scanmuster hat Lücken bzw. Scanlinien werden sporadisch ausgelassen

Hello, I have also experienced much the same thing with the version 0.10.0 software and suspect that there are some development bugs in it. In additi...

3 years ago
RE: Editing the config files permission denied.

I am waiting for Mario to confirm but I thinkthis is as should be. the Laser0 Is on by default at the beginning I'm assuming you are visually observi...

3 years ago
RE: Editing the config files permission denied.

@zeltrax Hello, I am not familiar with the MobaXterm to be able to advise its use. I have recently built a Ciclop unit from the Thingiverse designs ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

@wolf2021 Good morning, I think I will be able to add little more to the discussion so will just observe what progresses. I agree that the ciclop or ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

Good morning: So the major solution to the problem is low tech rather than high. We can have a good laugh about that. I'll only say that in my 85 ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

@wolf2021 I'm glad the calibration problem is solved. It's also good you had help a little more technical than I could provide. I had the same probl...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

Hope you enjoy the recipe-since i have to do my own cooking, looks like I had 2 memory sticks in my computer I looked for the scanned file and didn't ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

@wolf2021 Hello: I am attaching a copy of the procedure from the Fabscanpi website which was downloaded perhaps 2 years ago and I have been using it...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

Hello: Looking at your default.config.json file I have an issue with the "columns": 8, . I can't find it in the documentation now, but I think the f...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

Good morning, Mario, I can provide the same information for operation with the FabscanPi Hat or the Watterott Arduino Hat with a Hat which has t...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

@wolf2021 Good morning, Since this post shows out of sequence but is dated Dec. 15, are you indeed rested and willing to try again? If you are, I/...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

ok I can understand wanting to let it rest for a bit. I think when you do decide to try again, we will need to have a greater understanding of your ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

With Google translate we don't need to worry too much about the language barrier. My paternal grandparents were immigrated to the US from Germany in ...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

THE Laser0 has given me problems at times. I suggest a reboot. After boot up the web page does not come on util the LED flashes at which time Laser0...

3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

From a non-expert, here are my thoughts: I have no luck using the "interleaved": "True", (i don"t know what to expect, what i get is no trace of ac...

3 years ago
3 years ago
RE: Fabscan-Kalibrierung wird mit Fehler beendet

ve been working with a ciclop installation with some success. While I cannot tell you exactly what is wrong I will send you zipped files of my recent...

3 years ago
RE: Wo bekomme ich ein Fabscan HAT und Step Down

I spent yesterday trying to get a decent scan and got what I thought was an acceptable scan of the test cube but requiring a lot of editing. I loaded...

3 years ago
RE: Wo bekomme ich ein Fabscan HAT und Step Down

The Scan Board Laser V1.0 does not appear to have a LDR connector cluster, only the LSCD connector same as the Arduino UNO R3. To have something in...

3 years ago
RE: FabScanPi Server is currently not running

Since you have mentioned you are using an uno arduion board are you using the fabscanpi hat provided as part of the kit aor are you trying to use an a...

4 years ago
RE: Probleme beim Scan. Ergebnis sieht vielfach gespiegelt aus

@saar96 This shifting of display axis has happened for me but a reboot seems to solve that problem. Unless you have changed the configuration file si...

4 years ago
RE: Probleme beim Scan. Ergebnis sieht vielfach gespiegelt aus

I suspect that pins MS1 and MS2 have not been programmed for 1/16 microstepping. There are solder pads on the Hat which allow you to bridge (connect)...

4 years ago
RE: driver setup

Going by your description(of course a picture would be better). The TMC2100 is the default driver for the Hat. I think that with the TMC2209 driver an...

4 years ago
RE: Problem importing into meshlab and meshmagic

I am attaching a screen shot of part of a .ply file displayed with notepad++. Please look at yours and see if they are similar. In the first 15 line...

4 years ago
RE: "Turm" über eigentlichem Objekt

I'm happy it is working for you. Now that you have some success and some exposure to everything it would be a good time to review the documentation, ...

4 years ago
RE: "Turm" über eigentlichem Objekt

With my small amount of experience here are my suggestions. It looks like your may be getting a lot of what I call bloom (at least a cloud of light ...

4 years ago
RE: Viele falsche Punkte über dem eigentlichen Objekt

Which my small amount of experience here are my suggestions. It looks like your may be getting a lot of what I call bloom (at least a cloud of light...

4 years ago
RE: Please help. I’m running out of hair to rip out.

Thanks to Mario for clearing up an issue. Both of my machines seem to work ok with both software versions. In addition to making the change to fabsc...

5 years ago
RE: Please help. I’m running out of hair to rip out.

I am not familiar with Apple product operation but here are my thoughts. I understand that you are presently plugged into a router with Lan cables f...

5 years ago
RE: Version 0.9.3 Testing branch

I am finding that the Firefox browser preview mode hangs up (does not work) in either windows 10 or with Ubuntu 18.04. All are up to date. Chrome and...

5 years ago
RE: Stepper motor set up?

An additional thought-at 200 in place of the 3200 in the default.config.json file I would expect 25 scans at the lowest resolution and if the rotation...

5 years ago
RE: Stepper motor set up?

Here is what I think I know on the subject. The stepper controller board is normally set for 16 microsteps. Hence 3200 trigger pulses per 1 rotation...

5 years ago
RE: Please help. I’m running out of hair to rip out.

Here is a screenshot of the browser connected to the Pi with a non-functioning hat.

5 years ago
RE: Please help. I’m running out of hair to rip out.

Ok, I'll give you my thoughts based upon what I think I know and what I've learned by reading forum discussions. Since I've had an amateur radio lice...

5 years ago
RE: Please help. I’m running out of hair to rip out.

You can control the Pi with a monitor and keyboard attached to the Pi, recommended until you get everything working. After you have established a con...

5 years ago
RE: No video signal post-assembly

I am finally checking the forum. Does this problem still exist. If so , please tell me what you have as far as the equipment. Did you buy the comple...

5 years ago
RE: No video signal post-assembly

Addendum to the above: Of course a keyboard must also be attached to the Pi. After you have verified that you have a wlan0 IP address, edit the defa...

5 years ago
RE: Finale Punktewolke gespiegelt/gestört

Glad it worked for you, I have missed rebooting at least a time or two myself. If you are using server 0.9.2 and firmware v. 20200624 the only thing ...

5 years ago
RE: Finale Punktewolke gespiegelt/gestört

Glad it worked for you, I have missed rebooting at least a time or two myself. If you are using server 0.9.2 and firmware v. 20200624 the only thing ...

5 years ago
RE: Finale Punktewolke gespiegelt/gestört

I suspect that a reboot may not have been performed after the editing of the default.config.json file. That would be my first conclusion. If a reboot...

5 years ago
RE: No video signal post-assembly

If you look at the raspberry pi board it will show a green led if it is powered. I highly recommend that you connect the hdmi output to a monitor/tv ...

5 years ago
RE: New Release v.0.9.2

I apologize for being late in any response. Where do you find the time. I am in agreement with mcinerey that the highest resolution scans are not sa...

5 years ago
RE: New Release v.0.9.2

I have downloaded the software and run a successful calibration and scan. I was able to save the scans to the browser host computer. The calibration ...

5 years ago
RE: Calibration fails with Fabscan 2020-06-29

@mario To continue- I have edited the point cloud file in Notepad++ by changing the 6th line in the header files from "element vertex (0)' to "elemen...

5 years ago
RE: Calibration fails with Fabscan 2020-06-29

I have just checked the new software dated 06-29-2020. After doing a update and upgrade I am able to calibrate and run a scan. The calibration seque...

5 years ago
RE: Scan progress and completion not visible on browser window.

I am verifying that the solution works with Chrome and Firefox browsers on Windows 10. Thank you Mario. Due to the sudden change in performance I s...

5 years ago
RE: Scan progress and completion not visible on browser window.

This problem first occurred for me on April 28, 2020. It occurs using a Firefox browser on Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04 and a Raspberry Pi. This morning...

5 years ago
RE: First Scanning Results with Dual Laser in Red, with "Raft", but "Raft" is in real not there

There is an additional possibilty. I had a rafting problem in January and read a suggestion on the forum that the reference calibration height could ...

5 years ago