Honorable Member
Joined: Oct 9, 2018
Last seen: Aug 26, 2024
Topics: 55 / Replies: 517
RE: Bootloader Flashing Tool.

The notation means that you can use resistors with values between 2k and 5.6k. Detach the HAT from the Raspberry Pi. Connect the Pi like the wiri...

5 years ago
RE: Bootloader Flashing Tool.

Does not matter what you connect at the other end. This solution fits both. Pi and Arduino. But in my case i am using a real isp programmer with a 10 ...

5 years ago
RE: New HAT, still not working

Just added some pics of my self made flashing tool.

5 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1840
RE: New HAT, still not working

I just contacted Wattertott. They told me that you should contact them regarding the problem of a damaged or not working bootloader. Depending on your...

5 years ago
RE: New HAT, still not working

The last lines in your log are showing that the bootloader was flashed successfully. The next step is to start the FabScan Pi Server ( it will start a...

5 years ago
RE: New HAT, still not working

There was a bug in v.0.7.0 wich caused a damage of the bootloader. But it is fixed within later versions. I am still trying to figure out why people a...

5 years ago
RE: Scanner scans but no image on the monitor

I think we should stop double posting this issue in two languages. I suggest to solve this in the german thread and when we found the solution we will...

5 years ago
RE: Scan scheint zu laufen, auf dem Bildschirm erscheint nichts

Hitze tot ist ein bisschen überspitzt. Es ist nur so dass wenn der Scanner unter voller Last läuft dass der Pi die Geschwindigkeit drastisch reduziert...

5 years ago
RE: Keine Ansicht beim Schwarz/weiß Scan

Welchen Browser verwendet du? Kannst du mal deine Kalibrierungs Werte aus der Konfiguration hier posten?

5 years ago
RE: How to modify the Fabscanpi software

I will try to do some documentation on how to setup a dev environment this weekend. But do not invest too much time in the Frontend because we are wor...

5 years ago
RE: Trouble Calibrating

I think you can ignore it for the first steps. This is more a warning than a real error. I already changed this in a current dev branch. A big power s...

5 years ago
RE: funny looking scannings result

Glad to hear. So i will mark this as solved.

5 years ago
RE: Help wanted with 3D design of calibration tool.

I think a combination of the current calibration mount and one of the shown solutions would be very nice.

5 years ago
RE: Help wanted with 3D design of calibration tool.

I am not sure. For the laser calibration step (second turn) it needs to be the same. But for the first step is doesn't matter. The most important matt...

5 years ago
RE: Help wanted with 3D design of calibration tool.

Thank you for sharing this! I will give it a try.

5 years ago
RE: Scan scheint zu laufen, auf dem Bildschirm erscheint nichts

Die Kalibrierung sieht so weit gut aus. Deshalb gehe ich davon aus das der Scan auch durchlaufen würde. In geringster Auflösung dauert der Scan ca zw...

5 years ago
RE: Trouble Calibrating

Sounds good. So the hardware is working. This is only related to the user interface, but does not affect the backend. Not a good idea. The 0....

5 years ago
RE: Trouble Calibrating

Hi, Great to hear that someone is working with the old setup. I think here is the problem. The second time the turntable starts at a rotatio...

5 years ago
RE: FabScanPi HAT and A4988 Driver

It is explained on this topic:

5 years ago
RE: FabScanPI Server läuft nicht....

Super! Wenn du das Image benutzt musst du eigentlich die Kamera nicht mehr aktivieren. Aber schadet jetzt auch nicht unbedingt. Versuch do...

5 years ago
RE: Changing Camera Rotation in Config File to "False" Results in Crash

This is a well known issue. The rotation value leads to an error. I will try to fix that within the upcoming release. There is already an issue on G...

5 years ago
RE: funny looking scannings result

My tip. Your motor is doing two turns. If you are using the silent step stick motor driver which is delivered with the kit I will bet you are using a ...

5 years ago
RE: Mehrere Scans von einem Objekt

Willkommen Paolo, die FabScan Software hat zur Zeit keine Funktion zum zusammenfügen von einzel Scans. Wie du schon richtig erkannt hast geht es am...

5 years ago
RE: Pin outs for fan

Thank you for sharing your design. You can get the power from the unused motor driver connectors. 12V from VMot and 5V from logic for motor driv...

5 years ago
RE: Stepper, LED-Ring und 2. Laser laufen nicht

It should run with those drivers. But when it is running you need to do some additional tweaks on the HAT. (see ) Let's solve things one after the o...

5 years ago
RE: Help wanted with 3D design of calibration tool.

Oh maybe my description is not precise enough. I don't want to rotate/tilt the object during the scan. I want to improve the calibration process to re...

5 years ago
RE: Stepper, LED-Ring und 2. Laser laufen nicht

? ? ? Can you post a picture of your LED Ring (connectors) just that we can be sure that this thing is ok. And can you also give me more i...

5 years ago
RE: Two laser troubles

You are able to use two lasers and you are also able to use the same laser color. But at the moment there is no option to use a different color for ea...

5 years ago
RE: Lüfter anschließen

Unterschiedlich. Du kannst den Lüfter entweder mit 5V oder aber mit 12V betreiben. Da das HAT überbestückt ist, da ja noch Platz für weitere Motoren i...

5 years ago
RE: Scanner scans but no image on the monitor

I am missing the most important part of the calibration section. Try to use cat /etc/fabscanpi/default.config.json That will output the whole conf...

5 years ago
RE: Scan scheint zu laufen, auf dem Bildschirm erscheint nichts

Generell ist es für die ersten Versuche ganz gut erst einmal ohne Farbe/Textur mit der niedrigsten Auflösung zu starten. Das läuft in der aktuellen Ve...

5 years ago
RE: Pin outs for fan

Sounds great. Can you give us some updates?

5 years ago
RE: Stepper, LED-Ring und 2. Laser laufen nicht

Can you please share some pictures of your wiring? It is unlikely that the motor is dead. Those errors are mostly caused by one of these issues: ...

5 years ago
RE: Scanner scans but no image on the monitor

Can you share your calibration values. You can find them in: /etc/fabscanpi/default.config.json

5 years ago
RE: Durchschnittliche Scanzeit.

So hier mal kurz meine derzeitige Messung bei Scans ohne Textur/Farbe, nur Objekt: Auflösung Zeit Bilder/Laser 10 % ...

5 years ago
RE: Durchschnittliche Scanzeit.

Es gibt immer einen Blog post und auch einen neuen Thead wo ich noch mal kurz beschreibe was ich gemacht habe. Echte stable Releases dauern natürlich ...

5 years ago
RE: Durchschnittliche Scanzeit.

Wenn alles so geht wie ich es mir vorstelle dann wird 75/75 --- 130 min mit 100/100 --- 130 min erreicht.

5 years ago
RE: Durchschnittliche Scanzeit.

@danilo0702 Bezieht sich auf die Slider Position in Prozent vermute ich?

5 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 1362
RE: Soldering to flash Pi Hat

Danke. The image shows that the wire is connected to both pads of the reset switch but you can solder the cable to just one of the pads. I prefer to u...

5 years ago
RE: Soldering to flash Pi Hat

Solder joints look good so far. Please try the following.... Login via ssh as user pi as usual. First stop the FabScanPi-Server with: sudo /etc/init.d...

5 years ago
RE: Soldering to flash Pi Hat

I think that is not the same issue. Especially not when you are using the latest image. The bug was fixed within the latest image. That means that the...

5 years ago
RE: FabScan Pi without Internet

If you are using a Mac you can connect to out of the box. If you are using Windows you need to install this driver , afterwards you will also be able...

5 years ago
RE: FabScan Pi without Internet

Yes it is. The software is browser based but this does not mean that you need an internet connection. The internet connection is only needed for upda...

5 years ago
RE: Calibration improvements and scanning speedup.

Got it. The results look very impressive! Sure it is interesting. Maybe we should work together. And i am still looking for help cause i am the only o...

5 years ago
RE: Calibration improvements and scanning speedup.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your proposals are good! I know and i am still thinking on how i can archive that without too much user interacti...

5 years ago
RE: FabScanPi HAT and A4988 Driver

Thank you for reporting! I will add this to the documentation. But i think there is one more thing. You need to set micro stepping for those drivers. ...

5 years ago
RE: Ideas for a new release

It is not that easy. But this feature is already on the todo list. This is an easier task. I am planing bigger changes for the User-Interface. First...

5 years ago
RE: Scan results not correct.

Your config shows me that you are scanning with just one laser, in this case the laser/camera alignment is not that critical as using multiple lasers....

5 years ago
RE: Scan results not correct.

@hamishi I was just confused because the first image with the background shows only a part of the table. That was the reason why i thought that the re...

5 years ago
RE: Scan results not correct.

This is a known bug in the UI. I think i will fix that within the new UI. It looks like your calibration values are bad. Can you post the default.conf...

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

@danilo0702 Das der Pi sich so aufhängt das man sich nicht mal mehr einloggen kann das ist kein gutes Zeichen. Da stimmt dann aber auf Betriebssystem ...

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Laut dem ersten log wurde der scan sauber abgeschlossen. Kannst du näher beschreiben was für dich ein Abbruch Verhalten darstellt. Schau auch mal bitt...

5 years ago
RE: Scan results not correct.

Some pictures would help me to understand how the object should look and how the scanned result looks. Can you also provide some screenshots of this i...

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Wichtiger als eine Treiber Kühlung ist die CPU Kühlung des Raspberry Pi. Dieser ist wesentlich kritischer. Denn der Pi wird langsamer je heißer er wir...

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Cool! Später bitte Bilder von der Konstruktion! ?

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

@danilo0702 Läuft der Scan denn wieder durch?

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Sure. Exactly what i meant. ProFTPD is a Server. My mistake.

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Looks like ProFTP.

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Der letzte aktuelle Log ist immer der wo keine Zahl dran hängt. Die Logs werden rotiert. Ich glaube nach Datei Größe. Das heisst soviel wie wenn die a...

5 years ago
RE: 0.8.2 Scan fiert ein

Ohne Log ausgaben ist es schwer bis gar nicht einzuschätzen was da vor sich geht. Wie wurde das Update installiert? Hast du eine neues Image installi...

5 years ago
RE: Meshlab not working in 0.8.2

I tested it before i released 0.8.2. In fact of the meshing fails i need a log to see what is going on. Meshing can take several minutes. After press...

5 years ago
RE: Two laser troubles

Would be an interesting option and help to find out what is going on.

5 years ago
RE: My FabScanPi with some improvements

Good that there is a topic for all the problems. But i think i need to do more work on the documenation. Still looking for support :)

5 years ago
RE: My FabScanPi with some improvements

@mcinerney The camera often is way off. The lens is glued with tape to the pcb. In most cases the camera does not hit the center of the turntable, whe...

5 years ago
RE: My FabScanPi with some improvements

@Hamishi Just created a new topic for this, because this is not related to the faq topic anymore. ;-)

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

@hamishi Thank you for your work! I will add this to the documentation as soon as i can. I think i will find some time at the weekeend.

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

Yes. The driver configuration is not software driven. Only hardware. The pads are not connected by default. So the cfg pins are in state OPEN, what fi...

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

Just ordered some 2208 drivers from watterott.

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

OPEN != GND I don't know what happens to the 2208 when those config pins are OPEN. This state is not defined. Here is the TMC Datasheet. FYI here is ...

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

It seems that newer kits are delivered with the tmc2208 now. I will have a closer look to it and try to reproduce this by testing a tmc2208 in my setu...

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

I have no idea. But if it is a 400 step motor your driver is making 1/32 steps. In case of a 200 step motor it is making 1/64 steps. Both values are p...

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

@hamishi Exactly what i came up with a couple of minutes ago, but you were faster :) The default driver delivered with the kit should be the TMC 2100....

5 years ago
RE: Ciclop Scanner - The FabScanPi server is currently not running

Die ganz normale Pi Kamera V2. Am besten die Originale, keinen Klon und nicht die NOIR.

5 years ago
RE: Ciclop Scanner - The FabScanPi server is currently not running

Das ist schon das Problem. Das wird so nicht funktionieren. Zur Zeit unterstützt der Ciclop Teil nur die Verwendung der Raspberry Pi Kamera. Das heiss...

5 years ago
RE: Kalbirierung hängt

Normaler FabScan oder Ciclop? Kannst du die letzten Zeilen des Log files posten wenn das passiert?

5 years ago
RE: Ciclop Scanner - The FabScanPi server is currently not running

Kannst du mal deine Konfiguration posten? Also die /etc/fabscanpi/default.config.json

5 years ago
RE: FabScan requires internet connection to work or will hang after scan.

I think i had a similar issue. But that was not related to the events. It was a serial bug. After sending the command to the firmware, the firmware wi...

5 years ago
RE: Two laser troubles

That is strange. I will try to reproduce such an error. And this happens even when you used some spray on the object surface?

5 years ago
RE: FabScan requires internet connection to work or will hang after scan.

Thank you for reporting this issue. Is your scanner connected to the internet? Another workaround would be to change "discoverable": "True",to "disc...

5 years ago
RE: Two laser troubles

I am working on some solutions, for a software error correction. But i can't say when this is finished. Until that is done we need to find out what's...

5 years ago
RE: Two laser troubles

When the point clouds do not match each other, the hardware setup is not aligned correctly. Some important points are: check that the checkerboard sh...

5 years ago
RE: v0.8.2 - Debugging Lasers and Turntables (not working)

You need to bridge the safety switch connector. See Section "Connecting the Lasers"

5 years ago
RE: Software Version 0.8.2 (2 lasers) scanning setup?

Try to use the non-automatic threshold setting and increase the threshold by shifting the slider to the right side. Have a look on the laser line dete...

5 years ago
RE: Software Version 0.8.2 (2 lasers) scanning setup?

Can you post a picture of the object please. I would bet that the top of the object is transparent or reflective (maybe a shiny white surface)? You ca...

5 years ago
RE: Motor not moving or responding to commands from control window.

Is it a TMC2100 or TMC2130? I don't have that much experience with the TMC2130. But check if you wired the motor in a correct way. It is important tha...

5 years ago
RE: Configuration for 400 step Motor

@m.marino is right. In the past there were kits with 200 step steppers. But the default stepper is 400 steps now. And the default value in the config ...

5 years ago
RE: HAT not working - same as everyone else

Yes. That is quite normal. The Pi is running on 3 cores. You can prevent by installing a fan. Have a look at the Blog post for the 0.8.0 release. I w...

5 years ago
RE: HAT not working - same as everyone else

This is not supported yet. Due systemd is not configured for the fabscanpi-server. You need to restart it the old way. Using sudo /etc/init.d/fabscan...

5 years ago
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