Last seen: Aug 26, 2024
Here is a newer Video of the assembly process. Found on Youtube. Made by a user.
Have you proved the issues in the F.A.Q. ( "My scan looks doubled") I think this will fix your issue...
@basim you can also use a part of an WS2812 based LED stripe.
Sorry but it is not that easy. Because the LED's are also controlled by the FabScanPi HAT. The scanner needs to be able to turn it on an off for diffe...
If you are using an Arduino you need to change the serial port in the default.config.json. In general you need to change from /dev/ttyAMA0 to /dev/tty...
One suggestion to the re-flashing issue. You can deactivate auto flashing in the default.config.josn. Anyway I added the cnc shield firmware to the n...
Did you perform the scan with an open lid? Or was the lid closed during the scan? When the lid was closed, I thing your problem is calibration related...
I am doing some tests with the new Raspberry Pi4. Hopefully this will speed up the scans. I also changed some software parts for speed up... Maybe I ...
@pat12-6 Yes, you can unsolder it.
Here is a Link to an assembly pdf of Watterott: And here is the assembly video on Youtube:
Hi, you can find all you need here: (FabScan Related) (HAT)
Sure. The HAT will work. But the new FabScan Pi version will support additional Hardware. Example gives the ciclop board.
Those scans were made by the ciclop scanner. The next release of the FabScanPi software will be compatible to the BQ Ciclop and china clones. snapsho...
The latest work on new releases is always located in the develop branch. But keep in mind that it is not stable yet.
We are getting closer. The new software release will come soon! I am doing some final testing at the moment. But it looks already promising. D9rgSVvW...
It's hard to find the error by description. Can somebody share a log file to the related error. Especially the calibration values from the default.con...
Sorry, I am not able to reproduce the error. How are you able to use VNCviewer? Have you installed the package on the raspberry? Have you tried to con...
Would it be OK to use a few washers between the wall of the fabscancase and the ledring printed circuitboard? Sure. By the way: My scans already look ...
Support für zwei Laser wird drin sein. Allerdings in der kommenden Version vorerst experimentell.
Which version of FabScanPi Server do you have installed? 0.70 or earlier?
Hey, of course. We are thinking about a new version of the HAT, which will be pre soldered and it should come with some nice connectors for an easier...
Hi, yes. Are you able to connect to your FabScan when it is connected by wire? Anyway, start your FabScan and go to . If it will find a FabScan in y...
I don't know what he uses for supplying the 5V. But I recommend to use a big 5V power supply, if you plan to add a lot of 5V consuming devices to the ...
Einfach den Motor anders herum drehen lassen kann nicht funktionieren. Der Algorithmus ist für den einen Laser ausgelegt. Für den zweiten Laser passie...
Hi, sorry for the late response. The HAT itself communicates over the serial pinout of the Raspberry Pi. The accepted baud rate is a value which can ...
What is the motor doing? Nothing or does it wobble? You can find all information about the different driver types here:
Anyway you can find the driver here:
What behavior lets you think that your driver is broken?
Rendering without texture. After merging both scans. snapshot03.png
Scan Horizontal snapshot02.png
Scan vertically snapshot00.png
Hi, the board can handle up to 3 Motors, one Motor for the turntable and two for the lasers. But alternatively you can also use a stepper motor for ...
Hi, thank you for your detailed report. You are right, the Raspberry Pi2 doesn't make problems. But also the Raspberry Pi3 works. Only the Raspberry ...
I have some ideas, but I need to do some tests.
I think this is more related to this thread.
Can you try to do sudo systemctl enable dphys-swapfileand reboot the pi. Then scan again with high resolution settings?
What does the point cloud look like? There is also an issue with the meshing option since the upgrade to 0.7.0. Generally FabScanPi is using meshlab u...
Work in progress. Hopefully within the next release. 53155180_2658159900921944_794672531486277632_n.png
Have you tried to adjust your origin point in config. You will find additional information on how to do that in the documentation.
By the way, which power supply do you use? The behavior sounds like a under voltage problem, so that the pi does a reboot. As Danilo0702 mentioned als...
Reading permissions should be enough for downloading and browsing the files in the filesystem. It should be possible to download the files with readin...
Just moved the topic. It is a more general question. Of course! You can build the box bigger. The auto calibration will measure the dimensions of you...
Yes, the FabScan is checking the firmware. When it detects that the firmware is older than the current firmware in the source folder, than it automati...
Please prove the solder joints of the motor driver and of the pin headers on the FabScan Pi HAT again. I would recommend to resolder them. Some on the...
Super cool. Danke für die Arbeit. Ich werde das so schnell ich kann nachbauen. Ein solches Feature haben sich viele schon länger gewünscht. Ich denke ...
Rene is right. That was a important missing information. I did not know that you are using a custom hardware. Mostly an Arduino on the USB port create...
A similar issue was already reported at : Please try the following command sudo /etc/init.d/fabscanpi-server stop sudo avrdude-autoreset -p m328p -b...
I don't think that your motor is broken. The motors are really robust. As Rene mentioned check the motor current settings. The reference voltage shoul...
I think black is the better option, because white can cause reflections what actually might disturb the laser recognition. The object scan process is ...
Thank you for the suggestion. The camera module is delivered with a little white plastic tool since a while. This can be used to adjust the camera sha...
Systemd is not 100% supported yet. So try to start/stop the server by using sudo /etc/init.d/fabscanpi-server <start|stop>- Mario
Can you explain this more detailed? I do not understand what you exactly mean with that. It would also be helpful if you could provide the log file of...
Hi, your first log already showed that the Raspberry Pi can not connect to the FabScanPi HAT. Your latest post shows that there is a problem with bau...
Just moved this topic to here.
Could you please post some pictures of your setup. An maybe call in your browser and attach the automatically downloaded zip file here.
Hello BlastAM, you can try do decrease the camera resolution, it might speed up the process but it will also decrease the scan quality. You can try t...
Hello Ralf, can you please try this. First: sudo avrdude-autoreset -p m328p -b 57600 -carduino -P/dev/ttyAMA0Second: sudo avrdude-autoreset -p m328p...
2019-02-28 18:49:08,467 - fabscan.scanner.laserscanner.driver.FSSerial - ERROR - No FabScanPi HAT or compatible device found on port /dev/ttyAMA0 Mean...
Hi Erik, sorry but i think the crosshair is misunderstood. The important part is that the vertical line hits the center of the turntable. The horizon...
Thanks for the hint. I will prove that.
Hello, the holes in the case are aligned in a way that the cam should exactly match the center of the table. One thing i realised in the last two yea...
Hello Uwe, - sudo service fabscanpi-server restart doesn't work. Because 'start' works it seems that the 'stop' procedure doesn't work. Have to kill ...
Hello, just tried to use minicom. Generally it works. But i am only able to send a M200 which will send back the firmware Version. Other commands don...
Ich hoffe doch, das es ok ist, wenn ich hier auf deutsch schreibe. Eigentlich ist es besser wenn wir in englisch schreiben, da so interessante Informa...