Last seen: Aug 26, 2024
I think you accidentally pasted the command twice. The correct command should be: sudo avrdude-autoreset -D -V -U flash:w:/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-pac...
I am not at Home at the moment. I will have a woking FabScan available on new years eve. So i am able to test my fix in a working setup. After a a fin...
I think it is the same bug as many people have by using the current version (0.8.0). See for further information. Have a closer look to my latest pos...
It is solved. Have a look to the thread in my previous post.
Have you already tried to flash with your 57600 baud?
A temporary solution (until the bug fix release is finished) can be found here:
A temporary solution (until the bug fix release is finished) can be found here:
There is also a bug report on GitHub for this issue. I am just trying to find out if my fix works for all of you.
@mcinerney Ok. As next step we will try to flash the latest fabscan firmware manually: sudo /etc/init.d/fabscanpi-server stopsudo avrdude-autoreset -...
Hi everyone, i had some time for testing. I flashed my HAT to get in an initial state. Afterwards i run into the same error. But i think i have also ...
This is a maybe a bug related to the current software release. I am working on a fix. You can follow one of the other topics related to this issue:
@justinb @mcinerney I have an idea on what is going on. I think that the FabScanPi Software runs into a deadlock while it tries to install the firmwar...
@justinb sorry for not responding earlier to your posts. I am doing this project mostly by night after my day job. In general those HATs are nothing e...
First of all I think the caption can be easily misunderstood. Yes there are some users having this problem. And I am still trying to reproduce this be...
The log file looks strange for me. I do not have an idea what is going on there. But i also discovered that there are services running which are not c...
I found the bug. It will be also fixed with 0.8.1. Hopefully before christmas. ? Can you show me the values of the calibration section in your defaul...
@mcinerney I think in his case the solder joints are the problem. In your case we need to go deeper. Have a look at my latest reply:
@stef1186 Hallo, ich kann es nicht so hundert prozentig gut erkennen auf den Bildern, aber einige Lötstellen sehen aus wie kalte Lötstellen und es wä...
Of course. That was my fault. The serial port is blocked when the Server is running. But it is good to see that the serial connection is working. Now ...
One of the tests with 57600 was sucessful. pi@fabscanpi:~ $ sudo avrdude-autoreset -p m328p -b 57600 -c arduino -P/dev/ttyAMA0avrdude-original: Using...
Ok. It is time to discover what is going wrong. First we need to find out if the HAT is able to communicate with the Raspberry Pi. For this you can tr...
Sorry but I think the user who made this video is blocked by youtube.
Just created a new topic for this, because it was running out of topic in the FAQ section.
Yes, the Service was always called fabscanpi-server. This is because the fabscanpi project consists of different components. the fabscanpi-fontendthe ...
PLY is a 3D Scanning raw format. It can not be used by any 3D Printing software and also not by the most CAD Software. You need to process those files...
The HDMI monitor will not show more than a blinking curser :) The whole software is browser based. But you are right before you can see something in t...
Try to do a sudo apt-get install dh-pythonand then again make deb
Just edited your post, because the first lines give us clarity. That is definitely not a correct hex file. It looks more like a dump of the GitHub htm...
Looks very good so far. Can you post the complete output of the Bootloader file here. You can use the following command. cat bloader.hex
I need more logging here. This log snippet is too short.
Hi Willie, First of all, welcome back. This was reported by a couple of users and is already on the todo list for the upcoming bugfix release ( plan...
Moi Das ist schon mal gut. Kannst du das Log File dazu schicken. Ansonsten versuch mal den Pi neu zu starten und die Kalibrierung erneut durchzufüh...
Sorry my spanish is very basic. What are you trying to do? Do you want to build the packages by yourself, because you need some modifications on the c...
try to run it with sudo avrdude -c pi_isp -p m328p -e -U flash:w:bloader.hex:i -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m -U hfuse:w:0xD6:m -U efuse:w:0x05:m -U lock:w:0x0F:m
Yes. Thank you for the hint. I updated the links in the post.
Das stimmt. Ich werde die Doku noch einmal überprüfen.
Läuft der Scanner jetzt ?
Seems to be a problem with serial connection to the Pi HAT. Try the following:
Ich habe aus der alten Doku den Punkt zum flashen noch mal überarbeitet und in die F.A.Q unter Hardware hinzugefügt.
I have added a new topic to the hardware F.A.Q. I hope this helps you. If it works, please prevent this issue by using the new image version. Because...
Das ist auch eine alter Firmware. Was du flashen musst ist auf jeden Fall erst mal der bootloader. Die Firmware wird dann vom FabScanPi Server automat...
Kannst du mal den Bootloader flashen und die neue Release (v.0.8.0) testen. Damit sollte der Fehler eigentlich behoben sein.
Problem gelöst?
Der ist ungefähr da ? Eine seht gute Idee. Eigentlich bin ich kein Fan davon Bilder von Sachen zu veröffentlichen die unfertig sind. Aber da du das ...
Ganz klar die normale Kamera also mit IR Filter. Denn bei der NoIR funktionieren sicher die Algorithmen der Software nicht. Tatsächlich habe ich auch ...
Danke für die Rückmeldung. Ich wollte gerade danach schauen. So ist natürlich besser.
You are right this looks like a connection error. Have you tried to use a previous version of the FabScanPi software since you have purchased the kit?...
Hallo Ralf, die log Ausgabe lässt mich vermuten dass es ein Serielles Verbindungsproblem zum HAT gibt. Die Software versucht die neueste Software zu ...
That is correct. The switch is optional and that is why you need to bridge the connector. See "Connecting the Lasers" in documentation. I think in you...
@danilo0702 Sehr geil. Kannst du vielleicht noch ein paar Bilder von den fertigen Meshes zeigen? Ich habe inzwischen die Doku etwas aufgearbeitet: E...
@shengchu Have you bridged the connectors (security switch) in the middle of the laser connection screw terminal? Otherwise the laser is not powered. ...
You should go from source. Go to e.g. /home/pi and checkout the current source to this location. git clone/pre>Then stop the running FabScanPi Server...
@shengchu Sorry for the late response, you should solder the regulator on the HAT. But if you think about using the Raspberry Pi 4 you need to add a s...
The kit is delivered with a 1 mW laser, because a lot of schools asked for a 1 mW laser instead of 5 mW (safety precautions). But a 5 mW will also be...
Zunächst einmal Respekt dass du es ohne Doku für dieses Software Release so weit geschafft hast. Und vor allem Danke fürs testen. Dass beshcleunigt de...
Ich hab mir beide Motoren mal angesehen. Laut Datenblättern, machen beide 1,8° Schritte. Was bei 360° dann auf 200 Schritte für eine Umdrehung kommt. ...
Kannst du ein Bild vom Objekt schicken, dass ich eine bessere Vorstellung davon bekomme wie es eigentlich aussehen soll. Ich hab zwar eine Ahnung, abe...
Es ist wichtig das in deiner Konfigurationsdatei im Laser Teil das folgende drin steht: "laser": { "interleaved": "False", "numbers": 2, "co...
Your calibration looks good so far. I think there is another issue. Which browser do you use? Have you reconnected/refreshed the browser during the sc...
Da klingt doch schon mal nicht so übel. Kannst du ein paar Bilder hier uploaden? Würde mich mal interessieren. Das mit dem zweiten Laser ist mitunter ...
Es scheint schon seit längerem ein Update bei MeshLab gegeben zu haben, das führt leider dazu dass die mitgelieferten Konfigurationen nicht mehr funkt...
Es handelt sich in keiner Weise um ein stabiles Release. Fehler sind also immer drin. Es kann sogar sein dass der testing Zweig von einem auf den ande...
Der Anschlussblock für den Laser sollte 6 Anschlüsse haben. 1. Laser, Safety switch und 2. Laser. Da i.dR. kein Schutzschalter für die Gehäuse Fronkla...
Das kann natürlich sein. Schau mal nach ob in der 0.5.0 die Quellen für FabScan noch in /etc/apt/source.list drin sind. Irgendwann habe ich sie in die...
Hallo, ein genaues Datum kann ich leider zur Zeit noch nicht nennen. Ich weiss aber dass das Release überfällig ist :( Aber es gibt tatsächlich eine ...
@shengchu I think i understand what you are trying to do. It sounds like a very interesting approach. Please keep us informed. Depends on the resoluti...
Hi, How do you want to perform a scan? How should the cameras be aligned? Keep in mind that metallic parts are hard to scan because of their shiny s...
Closed because of double post:
Or just as @danilo0702 suggested increase the amount of steps for turntable. Just double it. But keep in mind that will not increase the scan quality.
Do you want to rotate two times, because you expect better scan results? If so i can say that you will get the same pointcloud twice. If you need it f...
Dieser Fehler ist tatsächlich häufiger aufgetreten und hängt ggf. mit einer Fehlerhaften Seriellen Kommunikation zusammen. Du könntest mal folgendes v...
Hallo, Sieht so aus als gäbe es ein Problem mit der Seriellen Verbindung. Prüf am besten noch mal alle Lötstellen am 40 Pin Header. Ich bin zur Zeit ...
See also
We are just testing different projector setups. One of them is the TI DLP-2000 Dev Module. But it seems to be unusable for a camp situated testing lab...
We already prepared a prototyping hardware setup. Here are some pictures of our testing setup.